Thanks for the help!
I’m sure you are very busy but I was hoping for a little more….
When you set up your auto test, add the ability to define an email address(s) to send test link to.
Also ability to define “from” (Maybe these would go in “extra options”)
Send my test result link to: [email protected]
Email will be sent from: Mitt Romney
Email would look like this:
Hi [email protected],
This is a message from the Automatic Speed Test. Please visit to view the latest speed test results for Mitt Romney.
This would allow you to send the link to yourself, a friend, or directly to your ISP contact.
Getting an error now that I have exceeded my limit, and that I should login or register. I am logged in on the forum side, do I need to login on the test site somehow?
(TEST LIMIT REACHED) As a NON-registered user you are only allowed to take 24 tests per day. Please login or register for free.