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SlikLizrd last won the day on January 25 2011

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About SlikLizrd

  • Birthday 11/09/1938

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    Phoenix, Az.

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  1. I just remembered why I stayed away from this place -- It seems that our Fearless Leader thinks that "read the rules" in a glaring red font is somehow informative as to what offense was committed and/or how to correct it -- but NOOOOO, that would be beneficial to everyone that comes here. It appears that it's much easier to just blurt out a smart-ass remark like "read the rules". That's really a fine and friendly way to greet new members and make them feel as if their input MIGHT be welcome -- NOT !!! Sorry to have offended to the point that all you can do is bark senseless commands -- in an offensive red font, no less !! It would have been SO much better if you had explained my error -- and how to correct it -- but I guess a busy man like you doesn't have the time to be bothered with helping folks learn how to implement the features of the site and interact with the other members. Maybe you need a vacation -- or a swift kick in the ass !!! But hey, it's all good !!! I have the satisfaction of knowing that my speeds are VERY close to yours, but I'm on the lower-cost "20/2" plan. Perhaps you could teach me how to spend more money to get the same results -- or I could teach you how to go faster without spending all that cash. I guess neither of those things will happen because "read the rules" is about the dumbest, rudest, least-informative response that you could have given !! But your blatantly rude response was very EFFECTIVE, insofar as your attempt to discourage new members from posting here came through loud and clear. Yippy-ty-yo, motherbleeper !!
  2. Hey, neighbor !! I'm over here by Desert Sky Pavillion -- on Cox Cable @ 20/2 tier -- Like you, I have a Dir-655 behind an SB6120, but the D-Link feeds my Wife's DELL 3100, (P4@ 3.06 GHz, 2GB DDR2 Ram, Nvidia Graphics, 10,000 rpm Velociraptor,) with a D-Link DWA 552 ExtremeN PCI Adapter and a 3x5db Rosewill standalone antenna. Wifey rocks wirelessly at 25 down and 3.5 up most of the time. My rig (DELL Vostro 230MT, Core 2 Duo @ 2.93 MHz., 4 GB DDR3 @1333, Zotac 1 GB 240GT Graphics, runs off the DIR-655's #1 port switch, with Cat 6 shielded Ethernet cables throughout. I've found that the weather has a decided effect on the Modem's "Signal" as shown on the SB6120's stats. High outdoor temps (110+) tend to see a drop in downstream SNRs -- like from 37 to 35, for example. Upstream power levels tend to rise with the hotter temps -- like from 46 t0 50, for example. While both those numbers are within the "acceptable" range, they both represent a move AWAY from the "ideal". On the SB6120, I find the optimums at a Download SNR of 38, and a Power Level at 0 ( all 4 channels) Upload Power Level best at 45 --- with 55 readings, it's time to call the paramedics !! I've also found (the hard way) that the DIR-655 and SB 6120 work best when they are at least 4 feet apart -- when placed near each other, they generate a bunch of interference that gets them acting all goofy. Regarding your query -- Yes, the speeds do get to jumpin' around when the 'net traffic is high, but unless you're trying to do massive downloads during the evening, you should be good to go !! I'm not a techie or a geek -- just an old freak that likes to see how well our low-budget machines can do against the Big Boys. Good Luck !!
  3. Just got an e-mail that says this site was improved, so I came over to see what's new. Different cosmetics, but the same slow speeds and snarky remarks by seemingly arrogant administrators is STILL the modus operandi. Oh, well. Don't know why, but this testing site is VERY slow. The Motorola DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem (SB6120) lets me pull an occaisional 130 mbps -- with a 10-test average of nearly 100 mbps (down) and 6.5 mbps (up). I'm on a 20-meg tier, but am able to get MUCH higher speeds through most sites -- but can't post my numbers here. Whenever I've tried, some jerk keeps posting "read the rules!" in bright red letters (what ever happened to "Please" ??). I wonder if it ever occurred to the cretins that repeating a snarky command to "read the rules" is pretty ignorant, especially when we consider that the wording of ANY list of rules and/or regulations is subject to the interpretation of the ruler AND the ruled. Any required EXPLANATIONS are the responsibility of the RULE MAKER !! Perhaps someone doesn't understand just how really, really stupid it is to repeat "read the rules" over and over without explaining which of the "rules" was "violated", and in what manner -- Picture this: A Highway Patrolman pulls you over while you're on your way to work -- you have NO IDEA what you've done wrong, but you get a ticket, anyways. When asked, the Officer snaps back "read the rules!" as he takes off to harrass the next un-suspecting S.O.B. Get it !!??? I sure hope so. Could it be that the Big Boss here won't let us post our scores/ratings from other sites due to fear that we might notice the glaring differences in connection speeds between this site and others -- and go elsewhere !!??? If you're looking for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism , I think you're out of luck -- at least until you dispense some of your own. A red-lettered command to "read the rules!" DOESN'T qualify !!! Thanks for reading. I forgot to read the RULES and a Moderator edited my post!
  4. Congrats on your new Desktop and WIN7, and welcome to the wonderful world of Cable Internet !! Good luck with the WIN7 -- I've hung on to WINXP for about as long as I can, but have finally decided to take the plunge to the simpler (and FREE!) UBUNTU.You know, don'tcha, that when we all get to Heaven, there will be no GATES and no WINDOWS !! (hee,hee!). Got me a brand-new, 10,000 rpm Velociraptor HDD to go in there with the UBUNTO OS, and am axious to see just how fast the whole combo will run as compared to what I'm logging with my present setup (WINXP, 7,200 rpm Seagate Barracuda, Firefox 3.5.6.I'm gonna have a hard time beatin' this !!: <snip> I forgot to read theRULESand a Moderator edited my post! Of course, the hard-drive speed isn't a factor in the download speed equation, but the programs sure do load a lot faster, and system scans are WAY faster than ever !! On the Cable side of things -- ya just gotta get on of those DOCSIS 3 Cable Modems !! The Motorola SB6120 is the only one available right now, and they can be had on-line for around $85.00 at Amazon or Newegg. Whether your Cable Co. offers DOCSIS 3 service or not, get the DOCSIS 3 modem -- call your Cable Co., and give 'em the MAC addy from the sticker on the bottom of the modem. Depending on how close it is to fiesta time, you should be rockin' in the free world in a half-hour or so. Good Luck !! edit...to remove censored link
  5. [quote author=☻ ◦
  6. DELL E-310 - 3.06 Ghz. - 2 Gigs RAM Realtek PCIe Gigabit Ethernet DOCSIS 3 Motorola SB6120 Cable Modem Testmynet Download Score: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 23933 Kbps about 23.9 Mbps (tested with 51200 kB) Download Speed is:: 2922 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2009/12/17 - 12:50pm Bottom Line:: 417X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.35 sec Tested from a 51200 kB file and took 17.525 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 195.91 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-P01OQUJLC User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) [!]
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