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Everything posted by Prucent

  1. yeh well ive called my isp AGAIN, and this time they are sending me out a new modem/router/wireless so it should allow me to test very well my entire network without need of my old routers/modems, as they are convinced that is the problem, if it fixes it ill post back, if not ima cry and rage at em to send someone out to see the fail.
  2. sorry for 2nd post was having troubles modifying that one, i can get under 100 ping, i can play on servers near me with 30 ping.
  3. yeh the problem is i dont mind playing with 100 ping, hence the latency reduction will take that down to mabye 60, but when im hit with the spikes it wont make any difference
  4. I ruled out windows updates but probably wasnt investigated as much as possible, when i was doing some of the testing to check if it was a dodg modem etc i had a direct link from my phone line -> modem -> laptop with laptop picking up 0kbs dl/ul on DU meter(if unknown, program for recording dl/ul speed), so with no computers on teh net and laptop going at 0, doing a speed test my lag was still there, could have been investigated more as ive only done that 1 test, however i thought that was pretty hard proof it couldnt be them. ill give it another go turning them completely off and seeing how i go. secondly, not sure were this forum is located, so ill give some context, telstra is the australian company who run majority of the lines in aus, and then they rent them out to the other isps etc, ive had telstra come out and check my lines without any report of faults so i was assuming they checked out of the area, however my lines are fairly old as they can only support speeds of 1500, hence no adsl2 or even top end adsl. i will give the barebone profile a try and see what happens. thanks a lot for the fast reply
  5. howdy googling my problem led me to here which thought maybe someone could fix my illogical problem i am running win 7 and got an internet connection speed at 1500 ADSL1 (iinet is my isp), on average i am getting 100 ping to cod4 game servers relatively close to me yet i get hit with mass lag sometimes. I will randomly get spikes (no pattern in the timing at all) that i cannot explain, they will stick me to 350+ ping to these same game servers. When im hit with these spikes it is a global lag, my download rate goes down to about 10kbs from an average of 200kbs. My ping to all game servers goes to shit, even the local ones i normally get 30 to, and other games also experience this lag. Time for these spikes can vary from 10 seconds to 20 hours (longest Ive had), with them generally lasting over 30 mins. ive tried many fixs which include checking modems/trying new ones, having isp come out and check lines to my house, removing all computers xept mine from network and checking, checking/trying new cables. (have a wireless router so Ive tried turning this off and changing wireless password making sure no1 is connected to me thru that), plugging modem into every phone line in the house. Completely wiping and reformatting computers to ensure its nothing virus related. Cooled modem/pc/router ensuring its not a heat problem. Changing ISP plans. Ive tried all the fixes and checks that i can think of which would help, and not has resulted in any form of a solution. Would be highly apprieciated if you guys could help me out considering this has been happening for a year now and starting to get very frustrating when ur gaming to be hit by a spike of an increase from 100 ping to 400, which can last many hours D: IF i have missed any required information sorry, please reply what im missing and ill try to add it in
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