Thanks for the reply again. I am still learning your site
my specs are
14GB of ram DDR3 1600 MHZ
core i7 930
1X 80GB SSD for Windows
1X 250GB ssd
1X USB 3.0 , 2TB Drive
1X 3.0 GB/s 1TB Drive
Radeon HD 7950
so those specs are more then enough and yes I do know flash tests are not the best however I have another example , and trying to get better results here on your site
And please don't think your servers are crap from my point of view I just wanna know , this way maybe I will improve things on my side
let me know what I can do to improve results on your site because I acutally like the auto-tester to give me a lot of results. Thank you
second SS is from DD_WRT router