zalternate tested my compters for a virus and I done pluged my modem into the demarc(grey box where phone lines come in. I test it here and on my PS3 they both show the same test. I think it;s on phone line some where but I am not phone repair man so i cant go down the road and check the line. But calling them and trying to tell them whats going on is like talking to a Tree for it's my probblem they say not them they say, just about like you was saying. I dont know any more but to show the world how mine works I been here along time on Test my net but just now sign in I was on hughesnet geting fraped so life is faster on att DSL but life still slows down from time to time LOL on the net . I was looking to see if there was anything that I could do to hep my net out for it and if I am posting in the wrong place to ask all this stuff maybe a mod will help me there also.