After dealing with scheduling screw ups they finally arrived 2pm on 4/15/05. After talking with the guy for 5-10 mins since he notcied my Verizon van parked out front. He came inside and scoped out what I already had done. I was planning on running Cat5 all through the house. So I already had a patch panel and wires pulled to a designated closet. He said that the first run was free so I had him pull cable from the ONT to the closet. After that I helped him pull the cable down and he finished up outside with the ONT and battery backup. I was helping him out the whole time. He was very appreciative.
All in all the install went great. The voice part was screwed up they said they cancelled my order so I didn;t have voice service when he left around 5pm. He called me back that evening around 7pm and said he would be out the next morning to finish hooking everything up.
But now everything is working great, not using the D-link they gave me since it was limited to what it could filter and nat with.
I love FIOS though, wouldn't and couldn't live without it.