Greetings, first post for a newby, Noticed most have a good signal strength. Best I can do is 67. It took the installer 6 hours to get that. Here's my morning test.
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 1029 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)
Download Speed is:: 126 KB/s
Tested From::
Bottom Line:: 18 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8.13 second(s)
Validation Link::
This was at 66.
Average I think is around 760 or so.
This was at 66.
The only thing that really bugs me is the *lack* of ftp uploads. I simply use a dial up account when I need to upload via ftp or ssh.
Will still try and get that 5mps download though.... Maybe I can put some aluminum foil on the dish and make it bigger huh?
A friend is the person you call when you need to be bailed out of jail. Your best friend is the person beside you saying "Dude! That was awsome!"