I'm having really, really bad problems with my throughput speeds on my Comcast cable internet connection. The short story is that I'm getting 100-200kbit download speeds on an advertised 4mbit connection, while upload speeds are close to the advertised 384kbit.For the speed report by testmy.net, check the bottom of this post. The "cliff's notes" on my problem:
- I followed all the instructions on that sticky that you guys point everyone to.
- I have a Mac, running OS X 10.3.8.
- I downloaded and installed BroadbandOptimizer v1.5, which does not help my speeds at all.
- I've tried connecting directly to the modem, and to the router (Linksys BEFSR41)
- I've tried connecting the modem to two different cable outlets in my house.
- I've had this problem on several computers in my house.
- I am not running any firewalls or virus protection programs.
- I called up Comcast this morning. The representative had me unplug the modem, router, computers, etc. and plug them back in, in order. He then ran some tests, noting that everyone else in my area seemed to be getting good pings and had not mentioned any problems with connection speeds. Then, he pinged me, noting that he was getting good times there too. He had me ping a couple hosts such as www.yahoo.com (32 ms) and www.comcast.net (~80 ms). He then had me traceroute some IP, and that ended up very well with pings in the range 20-100 ms. I asked him why the troughput would be so horrid then, and he didn't really know... I scheduled a technician appointment for wednesday, and supposedly if they find that the problem is with my computers, I'll be charged $50.
- I'm really cofused.
OK guys, that's basically my situation in a nutshell. Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to solve my problem? I would be indebted...
I'm something of a software engineer, so don't spare any technical jargon on me
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 109 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 319 kB)
Download Speed is:: 13 kB/s
Tested From:: http://s1.camaroz.net
Test Time::
Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB download in 78.77 sec
Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 3.05 % of your hosts average (comcast.net)
Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HE4JYQIBM