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About stridr69

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    San Luis Obispo, CA

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stridr69's Achievements

Earning Trust

Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. Ah yes, Commodore 64 was good as was the Amiga. Too bad too, the Commodore Amiga was better GUI wise than the Mac 512K at the time(1984). But I still use my Compaq Presario 1610(laptop) occasionally to run dood old DOS. It's loaded w/ Win 95, 48Mb RAM, 1.6GB hard drive, Pentium 1.5Hz processor..heck, it's "Da Bomb!!"
  2. yeah, no kidd'in 'bout the RIAA thang
  3. sundevil13, Get as much memory as you can afford. I run 781 Mb and haven't had any problems, but if you can get a "gig" of memory , then do so. If you've never installed a "memory" chip before, have a friend do it for you. If your computer is still under warranty, have the store where you bought it from do it for you. Trust me, I went through this two years ago with a memory upgrade-got a bad chip, and hosed the o.s.(XP). But took my computer back to Best Buy, and got everything runn'in correctly for free..gotta love the extended warranty that best buy sells-got a new power supply two months ago-for free.
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