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About jelwell

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Someone please define: Kbps kB/s I thought Kbps means 1000 bits per second, and I thought kB/s equals 1000 bytes (8 bits) per second. My recent upload test result is: 1185 Kbps or 1.2 Mbps (145 kB/s) However when I divide 1185 Kbps by 8 bits, the result is 148.125 bytes per second and not 145 kB/s. Also, I believe 1024 bytes equal one kilobyte. So, 145 kB equals 148480 bytes, and that times 8 bits per byte equals 1187840 bits and not 1185 kilobits. So no matter how I calculate, 1185 Kbps doesn't seem to equal 145 kB/s. Help!
  2. OK, the game's over. And the $40 solution (plus tax) is (Drum Roll) a hard-wired router. After installing the router, my download speed jumped to about 12 Mbps from 7.5, and my uploading speed remained about 1 Mbps. However, Speakeasy reports much higher speeds. Who's a user to believe? By the way, the last tecnician I spoke to at my VoIP provider, TeleBlend, recommended using a hub. However, the saleman at Fry's, a huge local electronics store and more, said hubs are obsolete and no longer carried by Fry's. Hence, I was forced to spring for the router. The instructions that came with the router insisted I use a CD that came with the router to install it. However, that software caused me much grief. Maybe I just didn't know how to use it. Anyway, I just plugged things together manually following an almost unnecessary set of written instructions, and the router worked immediately with no grief whatsoever.
  3. As stated in my previous post, my VoIP provider is TeleBlend. I called Cox again today to clarify their position regarding routers. Contrary to what I thought I was previously told, Cox states a hard-wired router should not degrade upload or download speeds. (Perhaps the previous Cox representative had wireless-router issues on her mind.) Assuming Cox is correct, that means the ATA in my system is responsible for the speed problem. So, I called my VoIP provider, TeleBlend, and asked why my ATA should be degrading my speeds and was told it shouldn't. The representative said she'd never heard of an ATA doing such mischief. I responded tests showed my ATA at least seriously degraded my downloading speed. She then suggested using a hub to distribute the signal from my modem in parallel to my computer and ATA. What say you experts???
  4. My modem is a Motorola SURFboard Model SB5101. My VoIP provider is TeleBlend.
  5. With ATA in the Ethernet path: Download :: 6957 Kbps or 6.96 Mbps (849 kB/s) Upload :: 982 Kbps or 1 Mbps (120 kB/s) Other speed-testing software, such as Speakeasy, shows slighly higher download speed (about 7.5 Mbps) and much higher uploading speed (about 4.976 Mbps), which is hard to believe. Anyway, the big questions at the moment are these. Should a rounter seriously attenuate bandwidth from input to its various outputs? Can Cox configure a router to decrease bandwidth from input to its various outputs? Cox told me I would not get advertised download speeds if I used a router. Considering there is a router in my ATA, Cox doesn't seem to be whistling Dixie. No measurements are being done through a VoIP web site.
  6. Cox recently increased upload and download speeds for my Internet service. Uploading changed from about 400 kbps (not sure what it was but 550 kbps was typically measured) to 768 kbps, and downloading changed from 7 Mbps to 9 Mbps. With my computer directly connected, I get more than the advertised speeds. Even Cox states my measured downloading speed to be 10 Mbps. Now, here comes the interesting part or one of them. When I connect my VoIP Analog Terminal Adaptor (aka Gizmo) into the system, my downloading speed remains the same as it was before Cox increased the speed, which runs around 7 to 7.5 Mbps. However, my uploading speed increased to 1 Mbps and much higher, depending on the measuring software. Although I didn't tell Cox I have a VoIP Gizmo in the system, they told me any router would keep me from getting the advertised downloading speed. Why I'm getting more than the advertised uploading speed wasn't explained to me. So experts, why would a router (which is also a part of the Gizmo) attenuate my downloading speed but not my uploading speed? Also, would a cable modem with two ethernet ports solve the speed problem? That is, one ethernet cable would connect from the modem to the computer, and the other would connect to the Gizmo. There's also a curve in the situation. Cox also has a thing they call PowerBoost, which adds additional bandwidth when needed. How is PowerBoost affected by Gizmos and just plain routers?
  7. Although speeds reported by testmy.net are about the same as they were before the problem, they seldom are as fast as those reported by other online test sites or close to what testmy.net reports for my ISP, Cox. For example, testmy.net this morning showed Cox to be 7.2 Mbps down and my speed to be 5.7. However, Speakeasy routinely reports my download speed to be about 7.5 Mbps. Cox advertises 7 Mbps down with short bursts above that.
  8. Although I reported some days ago the speed test appeared to be fixed, it wasn't. However after the recent notification the repair has been completed or words to that effect, the speed test definitely seems to be its old self again. Thanks for the repair.
  9. Speed tester seems to be working OK again.
  10. Speed testing is still busted as of 3/20/08 AM.
  11. Yes! In fact, the problem appears to be getting worse.
  12. My computer is using XP Pro with Internet Explorer 7, which is set to the Full Screen mode. Mostly, the full-screen mode works fine, but, occasionally, I log onto a web site where the full-screen mode doesn't work. If fact on some sites, the full-screen works sometimes and doesn't work other times. What keeps the full-screen mode from working occasionally?
  13. Before the new server was installed, testmy.net routinely reported my computer's download speed to be roughly 6.7 to 7.0 Mbps. Since the server's installation, my computer's download speeds are frequently reported to be much less than before. However, Speakeasy and Speedtest continue to report speeds above 7 Mbps. So, why is testmy.net frequently reporting speeds much lower than it did before the server change?
  14. Before the new server was installed, testmy.net routinely reported my computer's download speed to be roughly 6.7 to 7.0 Mbps. Since the server's installation, my computer's download speeds are frequently reported to be much less than before. However, Speakeasy and Speedtest continue to report speeds slightly above 7 Mbps. So, why is testmy.net frequently reporting speeds much lower than it did before the server change?
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