Ok folks
Satellite providers have names that relate to their fleet.
Signal strength is digital and will vary in relationship to the footprint and size of the dish.
Hughes sells a .74 and most link-budgets call for .98 + ,
You also must consider the size (wattage) of the transmitter.
For the most part if you want a system that performs near cable or dsl, you need a 1.2 Meter dish with a 2+ watt BUC.
What your equipment needs to do is 'close the carrier' - hughes has small carriers because their transmitters (BUCs) are too small. Add in over-subscription rates that are ridiculous, and you have upload speeds that stink.
The satellite is about 30K miles away. The size of the dish, the size of the BUC, the type of cable, the type of connectors, the type of mount, the modem, and last... the network all play a part in your connection!
Most providers wildlue, hughes, starband all suck you in with price. With a cheap price often comes higher costs and poor performance.
Check this link out. http://internet-satellite.org/is/index.html
You need to spend some cash to get stuff that works - but how is that different from anything else.