Hello Colleagues,
I want to talk about Telecom Argentina.
Actually I have purchase a pack telephone + internet for 3MB (300KB/s aprox) I pay like 30 dollars.
Since a year a go my connection looks very slow. I always download files at speeds of 20KB/s, 17KBs, and 5 KB/s.
When I call to complain they test my connection with a link (that obviously is directed ISP router connected) webpatron.telecom.com.ar and the result always drop 300KB/s.
Thanks to you and this site I can check a sure of Telecom´s history bandwith connection, (Am I right about this?), Anyway I can see that the Telecom's results has an average of 700KB - 2MB.
With this stats can I sue to Telecom?
I hope you can help me to have the picture more clearly
Thanks in advance