Yes Yes Yes, Seattle works great for me for testing for my maximum speed. Thank you thank you thank you...
Now I am a happy happy happy camper again!!!...haha...
I am not getting satisfactory results for testing my highest speed from any of the servers available now. I don't know if it is a bandwidth problem or what but none of the available ones work well for me. I hope somebody can put up a speed test server in Portland, OR or Seattle, WA soon...
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
At least it is for me it is. I realize everybody has their own guidelines for what they want. I was hoping a long time ago that 7" tablets would become phones..haha.. My son calls my phone a brick and he owns the latest iPhone. It is so little that I can hardly see it. Why it is not much bigger than a dot...haha...
Congratulations to all of you on your new phones. I had a HTC EVO 4G, and loved it, and wanted a Samsung Galaxy Note when it came out but Sprint never got it
So when Sprint came out with the Note 2 in late October I was ready to get it. It has a Quad-core 1.6 GHz Cortex-A9 processor, 5.5" screen and is super great. I love everything about it now that I have it apped up to run and do all the things I want out of a computer phone tablet...haha...
I am anziously awaiting the Note 3 which is rumored to have a 6 inch plus screen.
Have great day everybody.
I didn't find the San Jose test but found a Los Angeles test. It worked fine and I got 19Mbps plus a tad down and 3.5Mbps plus a tad up on two different tests, so it looks pretty good.
Thanks for the good work guys.
Now I will patiently wait for someone to come up with a Seattle speed test...haha...
I just now tried all of the speed test servers, both the testmy,net and mirror and the San Jose was the only one that gave me any kind of a problem, and again I got an error message and this is what I got:
Fatal error: SourceGuardian Loader - This script has expired. Please contact the script author about this problem. Error code [09] in /home/testmy/ on line 2
I hope it can be fixed so we can test there.
Thanks for anybodies help on this problem.
I can no longer get the San Jose server to work. When I have it set for that server and click on the test it just opens another tab in my Firefox browser and then nothing ever comes up on the webpage. It just stays blank. When I try it with Chrome browser it gave an error message that says "Server Error." Must be something wrong...
I would like to have your speed. I pay $52/mo for 25Mbps Down & 3.5Mbps Up and then it would cost another $30/mo for the phone service if I used the cable phone service... You got it good my friend...
HOLY MACAROON!!!.. I don't know if it is working right but it is blazing fast, indicated, especially for this time of the day.
Download :: 28.6 Mbps 3.6 MB/s Upload :: 3.5 Mbps 438 kB/s
My connection is Comcast and is supposed to be 25Mbps down and 3.5Mbps up.
Thanks again you all for getting the alternate servers going. Keep up the great work.
Just tried out the San Jose server and it is way slow for whatever reason. I got a download of a little over 8Mbps and then tested to Texas and got a little over 15Mbps... I am located in SW Washington State. I usually get real good speeds when I test into San Jose with like just now 25Mbps down. I realize there is a difference. But I would probably be getting about 25Mbps from the old Seattle server if I was getting 25Mbps from from San Jose.
But what do I know as I am just an 81 year olddawg...haha...
No matter what thanks for all of you guys hard work as it is appreciated...
I just got 14.2Mbps down to Amsterdam... I like that...haha...
It may be a work, but I am not sure about the progress...haha... I keep looking for the new West Coast server. Maybe it is like a UFO, it may be seen or it may not be seen. Probably depending on how much faith, well maybe faith isn't the right word either...
Just kidding for those who might not understand...haha...
Where oh where...???
Oh shucks I was hoping it would be in Seattle or maybe San Jose, two good places for me to pickup what my high speed would be. Maybe Los Angeles will work just as well...
I'm anxious, I'm waiting, I'm willing, what the heck am I talking about??? The new West Coast Server. Where is it??? I saw it, oh dawgone it is gone already. Sorry about that if you don't move quick around here you just don't get it...haha...J/K...
All of the above is in fun in case you might not understand.
By the way where is the West Coast Server located if I may ask???
Have a great day guys.