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I live in florida and loose signal in thunder storms just about every afternoon. I know from the days when I sold and installed C and KU band equipment that the size of the dish made a great difference on the signal leval. Can I mount my receive and transmit eqipment on a larger disn?



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actually I have a round dish. I haven't measured it, but it looks like it's a little bit less than a meter. I have a 10 1/2 foot mesh dish that I'm considering using. I guess what I need to know is the wave length so that I can choose dish that the signal won't pass through. Does anybody know if the signal will pass through an old dish with about 1/4th inth holes.



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If your load balance on the "radio" (transducer ---ie; receiver transmitter) is matched to the radius of the dish, then the little holes really do not matter if the dish is large enough. The reflectvity is of greater importance, and that is why everyone has moved away from metal and are now using teflon-coated copolymers (plastics).

Yes, you can mount your "radio" and then experiment with distances until you get an 'ultimate' signal, but you are taking a HUGE chance of "smoking" your receiver if the gain is simply to much for it to handle. (Sorry, I can't seem to find the data on wavelengths/distances ...perhaps you could give us the P/N of the "radio" ...then at least it would be easy to find out what it is MADE for.

What you are seeking to do is very possible ...but you have to stick to the book or you'll burn up your receiver in a few milliseconds ...for one.

In Florida you should get by just fine with a .98 meter dish, or if you wish there is a larger 1.2meter available as well. (DirecWay makes these although the REAL manufacturer is NOT DirecWay. Any support arm can be adapted to the dish, (that much is a given), but you HAVE to have the accurate mathematics and 'points' in order to succeed. That much is extremely criticial, as there are a great many calculations to be made, and angles to be observed. It can easily turn into a nightmare for the novice person. It is a piece of cake for dish 'redesigners' ...such as if you merely wish to enlarge your dish ...they can take your present one and double the size for an fantastic investment ...no problem. (Reasonable rates too).

Hope this helps ...I'll watch for your reply (if I can find my way back to this part of the forum!


The Reverend

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