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Cyber Security Bulletin 2005 Summary

2005 Year-End Index

Information in the US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin is a compilation and includes information published by outside sources, so the information should not be considered the result of US-CERT analysis. Software vulnerabilities are categorized in the appropriate section reflecting the operating system on which the vulnerability was reported; however, this does not mean that the vulnerability only affects the operating system reported since this information is obtained from open-source information.

This bulletin provides a year-end summary of software vulnerabilities that were identified between January 2005 and December 2005. The information is presented only as a index with links to the US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin the information was published in.

- There were 5198 reported vulnerabilities: 812 Windows operating system vulnerabilities; 2328 Unix/Linux operating vulnerabilities; and 2058 Multiple operating system vulnerabilities. -

See results here: United States Computer Readiness Team

EDIT: Article here: Flaws in Windows trail behind open source vulnerabilities

Good for Microsoft Windows. emoticon_exp_50.gif

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doesn't change the fact that the people touting linux/ff/other opensource stuff will always say "we are much more secure". if need be they will point to the total number of systems affected by the flaws in question and argue that becuase ms software is used by more people it is much more vulnerable since more ms systems are vulnerable than opensource systems.

doesn't change the fact that the people touting linux/ff/other opensource stuff will always say "we are much more secure". if need be they will point to the total number of systems affected by the flaws in question and argue that becuase ms software is used by more people it is much more vulnerable since more ms systems are vulnerable than opensource systems.

You got that right. No matter what, Microsoft will always be on the receiving end of BS.

I will continue to use Windows as my main OS, and IE will always be my browser of choice.

Gotta love when stats are taken and then put up for all to see.

MS is not bad at all, and I think they did very well in comparison to Unix/Linux systems.

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