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When will it be avalible?!?!

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Ughh! Im tired of satalite internet. Verizon already supplys the whole town i live by with dsl. Im only about 5 miles away from where i can get dsl so why dont they just get it out here?! If anyone knows where i could possibly find out when i will be able to get dsl(like a specific time) Please pm me.

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DSL is limited by your distance to the CO or RT.  I belive the maximum distance is about 25,000 feet (don't quote me) of wire length, not physical distance.  Line resistance can also "add" to your distance.  Depending on where you live, there's a chance you will see FIOS deployed there before DSL.  That doesn't mean it will be soon.  Sometimes the website isn't accurate, so try calling them and see what they say.  Or just move, lol.

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Well, i dont think i will see fios where i live(by a hick town close to Kalamazoo Michigan)  anytime soon. I would move but the thing is, im not of legal age yet(15)

what town you live in? im in hastings a few miles north of kalamazoo

You can always try http://jasnetworks.net/residential.asp , had them for about 7 months and worked fine

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