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i am on a 1500/256 plan, i hav been going on2 an aussie website to do my speed tests, for som reason everytim i do one it changes, for expample it wil say my speed is around 600k/bs then if i go and do another and i only get around 100k/bs or a bit more this happens every single day i do it, is it normal for it to change that much, i hav been doing my tests on here as wel somtims it coms up at 10-13 times faster and at tims i get 3-5 times faster, it's really starting to P*** me off, if any1 can help i would appectite it..

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i rang them up and because they got me to do a download and the speed was right they said there was nothing wrong, plus they make ya feel like ya dumb or because i'm female..lol.. so i let it go, see it's when i do other stuff it seems to be al over the place...

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i rang them up and because they got me to do a download and the speed was right they said there was nothing wrong' date=' plus they make ya feel like ya dumb or because i'm female..lol.. so i let it go, see it's when i do other stuff it seems to be al over the place...[/quote']

how fast did you go on speedtest? If your not getting 90% of your advertised speed, then you should complain or change ISP.

Yea i know, some of these support dudes should really change jobs, some of em are really rude and got a shitty attitude that customers dosent know a sh!t :(

What speedtest did your ISP suggested? Give us the link and ill check it out.

VanBuren :)

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it was't a speed test al he did was told me to go to a website of theres do a download to see what speed it was at and because i was at the speed of our b/band here,he turned around and said it was fine http://www.e-soul.net/speedtest.jsp been going here for my speed test, btw this is my result, also whe u say advisted speed do u mean 1500/256 cause thats what i hav got

96 kilobits per second

Communication:96 kilobits per second

Storage:12 kilobytes per second

1MB file download: 83 seconds

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it was't a speed test al he did was told me to go to a website of theres do a download to see what speed it was at and because i was at the speed of our b/band here,he turned around and said it was fine http://www.e-soul.net/speedtest.jsp been going here for my speed test, btw this is my result, also whe u say advisted speed do u mean 1500/256 cause thats what i hav got

96 kilobits per second

Communication:96 kilobits per second

Storage:12 kilobytes per second

1MB file download: 83 seconds

that speedtest is not very accurate, its too small testfiles. Something is wrong cos i go faster then you and i know my latency to australia is 350 ms+

152 kilobits per second

Communication:152 kilobits per second

Storage:19 kilobytes per second

1MB file download: 52 seconds

advertised speed is the speed you pay for 1500/256

with 1500 Kbps you should be able to download a file in around 180 KB/s

I suggest you find a fast server close to you and measure download speed from that. Make screenshots and send them to yous ISP.

VanBuren :)

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it was't a speed test al he did was told me to go to a website of theres do a download to see what speed it was at and because i was at the speed of our b/band here,he turned around and said it was fine http://www.e-soul.net/speedtest.jsp been going here for my speed test, btw this is my result, also whe u say advisted speed do u mean 1500/256 cause thats what i hav got

96 kilobits per second

Communication:96 kilobits per second

Storage:12 kilobytes per second

1MB file download: 83 seconds

:) Yeah,

I'm not too crazy about the test site you used either,if you noticed your speed can be very fast and then change because of the site they are sending you to for a jpeg download.....anyway one site could be busy and ruin the accuracy of the test.......and ISP guys can sometimes be short and not really take a call to serious........but my job as a consumer is to not give up and make them help me, thats what I pay for........I feel lucky because any problem I have ever had I was given immediate attention until the issue was resolved, even though most of the time I called it was not my ISP but me fooling around and causing a problem.....but COX~HSI was always there to help:):)

8) Microwave

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