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Laptop Dirt Problem - Need advice, suggestions or comments.

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Hello Everyone....

I have a slight problem that maybe someone here has some information to pass my way.

I noticed tonight that I have some dirt and one LONE dog hair BEHIND my LCD screen on my Gateway 3255GZ Laptop computer.  These are not dead pixels, they are clearly dirt and hair.  I think I may have moved it around when I accidentally blew air comp. into the fan. 

I have googled for some information and nothing is coming up.  I called Gateway and they told me that it is not a warranty issue but to take it to an authorized dealer to see if they could clean it for me.  Does anyone have any other suggestions or know what a dealer will charge me for this type of cleaning.

I have always used a proper LCD screen cleaner, as I am very stubborn about keeping my Laptop in fine form so these spots are bothing me. 

Any comments or suggestions would be a GREAT help.

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