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Hi All :shock:

I have a quick question, if the fan in the power supply does not turn while computer is operating I'm thinking the power supply is gonna go dead soon. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and possibly suggest what I can do for the fan inside to make it work. I checked all the connections on the motherboard and I think the main connection that the power supply connects to should control the fan and turn it on, all other fans (CPU & Case fan work)

Thanks a Million, gazillion, bazillion..... :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: times.

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to fix the fan your going to have to open the power supply up, the first ting you must do before you open it is unplig the computer and puch the powerbutton on the computer once, this will drain any eletricity out of the power supply. once you open it make sure that there is nothing cought in the fan like a glob of dust. if there is nothing blocking it then take the fan out and splice the ends of the wires. your eather going to need another computer or 12v battery. if you have a laptop battery that will work. but another computer will do it the best, you are going to have to plug the red splice from the fan wire into the yellow wire of a pc connector, and the black into the black part of the connector. like te picture below. if none of these steps don't work or you just don't want to do them, then you could just go buy a new fan, or get a new powersupply.

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I would not recommend opening a power supply under any condition..  Get some compressed air and blow it into the power supply.. if the fan is dead.. then that is alright.. it is dead.. The other possiblity is that the power supply has a temp regulated fan.. meaning that it will not turn on unless it needs to have it on..

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I would not recommend opening a power supply under any condition..  Get some compressed air and blow it into the power supply.. if the fan is dead.. then that is alright.. it is dead.. The other possiblity is that the power supply has a temp regulated fan.. meaning that it will not turn on unless it needs to have it on..

most powersupplys don't have the temp regulated, because the tempture can rise very quickly in a powersupply, and the cooler it is the more watts it will make. the fan might not be dead, one of the solder points could have just seperated.

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Thanks for the relies. I don't think this power supply has a temp regulator in it cause it's a older Compaq PC (that should say a lot) lol. This PC is actually not mine, a friend got it somewhere and wanted me to take a look at it, and I thought that the fan on the power supply was dead, and thanks for confirming that. BTW tried the compressed air, little dust came out but that's about it.......... I don't think I'll be opening it, cause it's just not worth it, lol i't a 200W power supply, I'll just get a generic power supply for them and install it. I appreciate all your help. [glow=gold,2,300]THANKS ![/glow]

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I have a similar problem with mine... But what I do is when it doesn't start up at boot, I just use a pencil to boost the fan for a jump spin then it goes by itself. It stays on for the rest of the time as long as my computer is on and its pretty old so it doesn't have a temp thingy.

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