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I am using a Shorewall linux box to manage my 6 incoming static ip's and to provide NAT translation for my workstations out to the net. With the NAT on, I am losing about 100K of upload speed. I usually get 440-450 Kbps but i am getting 340 Kbps thru NAT.

Does this sound normal?  I can understand some latency in translating addresses going out, but this seems excessive to me.

FYI:  I have Oplink DSL, the plan is 3Mbps down and 512Kbps up. I get really good speeds because my office is 800 ft. from the junction box.

I looked around.. it seems that is just what happens with shorewall..

I found your other post on expert-exchange.. 

I dont know enough.. but you might want to try http://www.fs-security.com/ <-firestarter

http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/#screenshots <-Guard dog

http://m0n0.ch/wall/ <-monowall

http://www.smoothwall.org/ <- smoothwall

There is no guarentee that those are going to solve the problems.. but they might be worth a try if 100k is that important.

BTW welcome to the forum!

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