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I have comcast 6MB/s cable, and on my main PC I get about 7.3MB/s on the tests here, but I just built a new PC, and it has the same network controller as the other one, and I am using a router to connect them both. The router is in the same room as the main PC, so of course it only uses a 5foot cable to connect to the PC, but the one I just built,  I needed a 50foot cable to connect it. This is the one I got:


For some reason, I am only getting on average about 600kbps on the speed tests here. Is that because the cable is to long? I have went and set the network adapter to run in 100 full duplex, that didn't seem to help. I really need to fix this, can somebody please help me?

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It could be due to the cable.. that is really cheap for $50 of cable.. not sure about the quality.. Do you have the drivers installed.. and could you move the computer and test it with a different, short, cable just to rule out bad cable?

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Ok I don't know what a traceroute is but here are the results:


No I can't move the computer, it would be a pain in the @ss to do, but I can take an old computer and try it on the same cable. I'll do that now. I really hope the cable isn't bad, I had to drill 2 holes in the floor and string it through the basement, and I had to go through a thick sheet of fiberglass insulation that was in a dark, dusty crawl-space to get it through one of them.

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You have a timeout on the first hop to the router, which would indicate packet loss due to attenuation in the network cable you are using.  When using as much cable as you are, it is advised that you go with high quality UTP.  You might  try STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) or even cat-5e or cat-6.  The price tag is higher, but you will have better quality signal over a distance.

One other thing to keep in mind is that EMI (electromagnetic interference) can be causing signal loss in the line.  Be careful that you are not running your cable next to other electrical lines or devices.  Also, be sure to keep your router a good distance from any electrical devices or appliances, including your cable modem.

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What's your router?  Can you hook your new PC directly to the cable modem?  (you should be able to use that same long cable).  We should try a direct connection before we configure the router.

If the download is still bad with a direct connection, refer to this: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097

If it is ok with a direct connection....

So you use the same type of NIC in both PCs?  And when you tried the other PC, you didn't move the long cable at all?  OK, must be something set up on the router then...how do you have it configured?  (ie.  Mac Filtering, DHCP, etc.)  I would suggest hitting the reset button on the router to return it to defaults.  Turn off wireless and SSID broadcast, don't use MAC filtering or DHCP, and set up a static IP.  That would be my suggestion, but play around with the settings. 

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Ok, I think I forgot to mention, I tried using a direct connection to the cable modem (with the same cable), and I still got the really slow speed. Then I tried hooking up another computer to the same cable, and I got 6.8MB/s right away. Same thing using the router. So it's gotta be the PC. What can I do?

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Yea all the drivers are installed. How do you ping the router? I don't think that should matter, I still have the problem with the computer plugged directly into the cable modem. But it can't be the CAT cable because when I try it on my old computer I get 6.8+ mbps... Why are things always so complicated for me... If it helps any this is the motherboard I have:



I just saw a new review on newegg!!

Pros: Price and built in features within the Bios. Very easy to setup....

Cons: The V1.1's are shipping with a bad onboard network card. This can be corrected with a standard PCI card but shouldnt have to. returning board and getting an Asus board.

What the !@#$?? I like this board! I don't want to have to get a different one!!

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