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Plainfield -- Plainfield likely will become the second Hendricks County town to take advantage of a high-speed Internet connection offered through Hendricks Regional Health.

The hospital late last year built a fiber-optic network to connect its facilities in Avon, Brownsburg, Danville and Plainfield and now is offering to sell access to area communities at a reduced rate.

Such connections could make video conferencing, wireless hot spots, high-speed Internet and other data services possible in homes, schools, government facilities and businesses.

Avon was the first community to jump on board. The town is finalizing a contract with Hendricks Regional and likely will pay about $150,000 in startup costs and about $4,000 in annual maintenance.

Plainfield officials are still studying how much their connection will cost. The Town Council instructed Bill Castetter, director of information technology, to work on contracts with Hendricks Regional Health and IQuest Internet.

IQuest is a private company that would provide a second fiber into Plainfield, creating a backup line.

link- http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060220/NEWS01/602200422/1006

I live in Avon btw.

does this mean anything good for me, faster speeds?

Thanks in advance

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It means that you be able to get on fiber when the infrastructure is in place... I dont know if this is going to be "good" for you.. as there is currently a HUGE bill in the senate/house that could make it illegal for cities to build their own fiber networks and then sell acess to it.. I guess something about a monolopy and equal acess to the area??

BTW you get a news post.. http://www.testmy.net/articles/?p=405

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