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alright what im trying to do is get another toobar for firefox bookmarks, sounds easy enough but i couldnt get it

heres where i am at now


but you cant drag anything on that, anyone know a extension or anything to get it going plx?

thanks : )

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brock01 ;I went to the site that was in your Imageshack link.It looks like he removed the tool bar because of complaints.This was a 3rd party toolbar.I haven't looked for another one.If anyone wants to check the link here it is.


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This might be what you want to do.Looks like the one you found is no longer available.

I haven't tested this but I guess you do a search to find your UserChrome.css

This is where it is in my Windows ME:

WindowsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles8k21s65t.defaultchrome


You may find a UserChrome-example.css file this is not the correct one.If UserChrome.css is not there create one.

You can do this by R. clickNewText Document copy & paste then change the extension from.txt to .css  renaming it UserChrome.css

Enable multiple rows of your current Bookmarks Toolbar:

To have the Bookmarks Toolbar display many rows, add the following to your UserChrome.css

/* Multi-row bookmarks toolbar */

#bookmarks-ptf {display:block}

#bookmarks-ptf toolbarseparator {display:inline}

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