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Attached is a zip file which contatins 2 files: test.bat and script.txt.  Extract both of these to the same directory and run test.bat.  This creates a log which contains the speed of the download (over ftp) in kB/s.  If you want to know the speed in Kbps, just multiply that number by 8.192.  The size of the download file is 12.5 MB (please do not attempt on less than 1 Mbps connection).  This test is not intended as a replacement for the main speedtest on this site, but is intended as an alternate test source.


NOTE: a firewall may cause results to be slower.  For best accuracy, disable your firewall for the duration of the test.


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ftp> Connected to ftpav.ca.com.

open ftpez.ca.com

220 cacodchil3 NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready.

User (ftpav.ca.com:(none)):

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

230-You are user #55 of 3000 simultaneous users allowed.


230 Logged in anonymously.

ftp> cd pub/myeTrust/apps

250 "/pub/myeTrust/apps" is new cwd.

ftp> Local directory now C:.

ftp> lcd C:

get pp8_en.exe

200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for pp8_en.exe (13152368 bytes).

226 Transfer completed.

ftp: 13202406 bytes received in 19.52Seconds 676.42Kbytes/sec.

ftp> quit

221 Goodbye.

676.42 Kbytes/sec X 8.192 = 5541.2 Mbps

As network/server traffic fluctuates, so will your results.  Take an average of 3 test for better accuracy.

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