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Can anyone tell me what i should say to the phone company about my telephone lines. there is static on my lines and a echo. i remember someone said i could ask to be taken off something. When i first moved here back in 93 i lived with my grandparents who live 50 feet from where i live now and i remember they had a party line like u could pick up the phone and here people talking. It isn't like that anymore but i feel as if they still use old system i have more than one a/d jump when i do a line test. How much would it cost me to get data line put in or something? we have been altell customers for 12+ years and they have never installed new lines or anything out here im sure im still on copper lines. But anyways my real question is what should i say to them? I had a friend that was getting 28.8k max on his internet His mom called altell and bitched them out and funny enough right after he got 50K+. he can't remember what exactly she said to them. Well any help you can suggest i would be very grateful.



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t1wireless : On the complaint just call their service dept & tell them you have static & echo on your line.They are supposed to give you good quality voice service.I doubt if they will replace the service line to your house unless it is physically damaged .Like there are bare spots where the outer cover is coming off.

If your NID box is this old they will probably replace it.One thing the NID box has in a couple of "carbon" I think lightening supressog that wear after time.The new box should correct this.

I think you can only get a data line if you can get DSL.They won't put one in for just phone servive.There are some technecal reasons (if what I have read is correct & it may have been disinformaton to keep customers from asking for a data only non DSL line) that removing the load coils & other distance additions from the line won't help data transmission.I reall didn't understand why.

Now for the bad news the FCC only requires your voice quality phone line to be 14K so I don't know why the complaint about it corrected his speed.Make the voice quality complaint first & see if it helps.If it doesn't then try complaining about the data speed.

My internal modem usually connects at 40K but I have an external that will not connect above 28K no matter how it's tweaked so it can be the modem.But again if you can hear line problems the you have a problem the phone company is required to fix.So that is where you need to start.

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