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Hay Van, i think i messed up my cablenut tweak thingy. So if I did, am i able to restore it back? I used another tweaking program (by mistake) and Im not sure if it messed anything up, but im getting suspicious.


Thats my tweak test, for the transfer rate, it says 1348, is that how fast its set to go, and cant go faster?

The reason im posting is because I have no way to tell because my isp is slow right now (their fixing it) and I get around 800-1.3mbpos on speed tests.

So if it is messed up, could you please post up on how to fix it up?

P.S. I made a backup of my registry inb Cablenut just in case (before i did any tweaking with the other program), would loading that up help out?

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Hay Van, i think i messed up my cablenut tweak thingy. So if I did, am i able to restore it back? I used another tweaking program (by mistake) and Im not sure if it messed anything up, but im getting suspicious.


Thats my tweak test, for the transfer rate, it says 1348, is that how fast its set to go, and cant go faster?

The reason im posting is because I have no way to tell because my isp is slow right now (their fixing it) and I get around 800-1.3mbpos on speed tests.

So if it is messed up, could you please post up on how to fix it up?

P.S. I made a backup of my registry inb Cablenut just in case (before i did any tweaking with the other program), would loading that up help out?

Did you unplug your router? http://www.broadbandreports.com/faq/2252

win xp has a bug with PPPoE quote "Q: Raising MTU from 1480 with WinXP, using *built in* PPPoE connection software. (#2252)

      A: As of 10/15/01, there is no way known to raise MTU in WinXP from 1480. This issue is seen only by WinXP users who are connecting with the built in PPPoE connection software. If you change to RASPPPoE, or use a router instead, your MTU should then default to 1492. RASPPPoE is popular, free, and less problematic than WinPoet (another choice).

      This small difference (12 bytes) in MTU is negligible however, and should cause no concern. Check back from time to time though for a "fix".

VanBuren :)

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yes you can restore your registry if you have a backup...

to get burst:

also, plug your router in again and use the file BBB_VDSL 12000 9000 in ProgramCablenutvanburens_cablenut_settings_version_2VanBurens cablenut settings Version 2WinXP_2K_CABLE_DSLMSS1452  folder

VanBuren :)

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Ok thanks, the burst didnt work too well, but Im back on my origional settings for cablenut (the ones you gave).

Also, i dont have router, atleast i dont think. I have a modem which acts like a router, meaning I connect the DSL to the modem but the modem has 1 usb and 4 ethernet ports and wireless, meanning I can use any of those to connect upto 252 (i think) users to it.

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