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Found this wondering the net thought someone might want it or try it.

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Special Edition 2006 (Version 2)   

This is what you get in the the app: Office 2003 pro All in one Foxit pdf Tune up Utilities 2006 Maxthon browser 1.5 Msn Explorer 7.0 7Zip Kaspersky antivirus pro 5.0.390 Look' n ' Stop firewall 2.05 WinRAR 3.51 CORP Java Net Framework 1.1 sp1 Yahoo Messenger 7.0 Flash get 1.5 (No spayware) with path up to 30 conection MSN 7.5 Media player 10 Klite Mega Codecs Pack 1.43 Bitcommet Flash player8 Winamp 5.12 Natural Screen Saver Extra Themes (vista-Media center-Xpize-forest green-Chromium and more styles) New wallpaper and screen saver were Replaced start programs menua were expanded alexa spayware were removed from winxp some dangerous ports were closed fore safe use some registry tweaks were made to speed winxp So winxp sp3 will be now more stable, more beatifull, Faster than any other versions, more protection and safe to use, included more than programs you need and all programs were full no expire date.


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