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Ok thanks,because im using version 1 too.But what is the difference between them,does one have more of a bigger impact than the other.When I saw CA3LE go up to 5600,I was like whoa why cant i get that too,and .s1 also goes way above his cap.Thats why im trying to see if any of those settings might be able to help me, maybe get those speeds.If not I dont really care because at least im getting 90% of my advertised speed :D

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On my laptop I put  version 2 of the settings  but after that I dont know what to set the DefaultRecieveWindow and Send window to :?

Can anyone help me

Hey DJ :)

In version 2 files Default Recive Window is set to default, the main speedtweak is on TCP window size and Default Send Window.

I suggest to use my custom file and only adjust Default Send window to a value that give you a upload close to your cap

if uploadspeed affect download speed too much eg on fileshare programs and so on, try setting the Send value lower, just make sure its multiple with 1024.

The default Send window is 8192.

good luck

VanBuren :)

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