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Will the whr-g54s work with dd-wrt firmware? I'm thinking of getting this because my current wireless router doesn't support dd-wrt and has a bug where internet browsing slows down to a crawl when transferring files from one wifi computer to another. How easy is it to flash dd-wrt firmware on a router, can I go back to the original if I mess up? Any more info on this router and dd-wrt is greatly appreciated.

Also what makes this router special that it can get 125Mbps? This is what it says on their website:

* When operating in High-Speed Mode™, this Wi-Fi device achieves an actual wireless network data transfer rate of up to 34.1Mbps, which is the equivalent data transfer rate of a system following 802.11g protocol and operating at a signaling rate of 125 Mbps.

Couldn't a normal g router get 34Mbps because its up to 54Mbps?

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http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12222  there is the guide.. from what I can see.. yes it will support that router..  I have never tried it on anything else other than a linksys wrt-54g..

If you have update firmware in the past it should be easy for you.  If you mess up you could "brick" the router causing it to not function correctly or at all.  Any features that are currently available on the router will still exist.. so if it says it can go 125mbps, theroidical, then it will support this with the new firmware.  I am also pretty sure that you can flash back.. I am going to have to check just to make sure.

Yea I'm familiar with updating firmware on routers as I just did at the beginning of the week with my current router the zyxel p-334wt to a newer one. Now my speeds have been suffering and I'm thinking its less of road runners fault and more of the routers as hooked directly up to the modem me speeds are much better. I've been looking for an older firmware to upload but can't find any. Oh well, I've been thinking of getting this buffalo for awhile anyways. I think I heard you need to tcfpt (something like that) the firmware to the buffalo instead of using the upgrade function with the gui as the buffalo uses encrypted firmware or something.

Looks like I am going to be as I can't find an older firmware for my current router which seems to be limiting download speeds to roughly 3.3. Without the router I'm getting 5.5. I think I'll order the router tomorrow and luckily I'm off next week so I can mess around with it, I just hope I don't brick it. The process is pretty easy right? Sounds like I have to use that ftp program to upload the image to the router, then restart or something and clear the nvram, which can be done by pressing the restart button at startup with the g54s. As far as normal vs mini, what do you recommend? I'm assuming mini has less features, maybe it runs quicker?

mini was make for so that you could get standard on there.. there was a file upload size limit that linksys put on there.. after you got mini running then you could flash to standard or any of the other..  you are going to be uploading the buffalo version..

At this point it is kinda late.. I would look for the best 2 day if you can.. the order isnt going to be processed til tomorrow.. so it will leave friday.. and then if you dont specify Sat delivery then it is going to be delivered on monday..

If you have bestbuy.. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?categoryid=pcmcat25300050001&id=1134701703049&skuid=7666821&type=product&DCMP=KNC-TLC&ref=25&loc=PGR

Mine carries it so I am sure that yours will..

Well it didn't accept the bin so... These are kinda the instructions I've come across. Do you have anything to add, hints, warnings etc?

==Special notes for flashing the Buffalo WHR-G54S==

* Set your IP to something in the subnet (e.g.

* Put the power into your Buffalo, and when the 4 Ethernet LEDs turn off and the LED for your Network Port turn on, immidiatly start the tftp command with the generic firmware (XP: tftp -i PUT dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin)

* When you experience Problems maybe a Switch between the Buffalo and your PC can help you.

* You will need a firmware >= v23 SP1

* Firmware v23SP1Beta 27-03-06 and maybe later versions: After flashing the AP is going to start with IP (wait a moment after flashing)

Do I set my ip on the my computer (static) to, is the subnet the normal 255 thing? or 24.24.24?

Ok I got it flashed and am in the control panel, whats the default pass so I can change things? And thanks for all the help  :D.

Edit: Figured it out and so far im loving dd-wrt, the gui and everything, all the features, its amazing. I think the buffalo whr-g54s is going to become very popular as people are no longer able to find linksys with the right version.

yeah i can bet that.. it is really hard to find any of the older linksys versions because Linksys put on a promo to move them off the shelves..  However, I got my in dec at walmart.  I was there yesterday and there were about 10 or so left and the rest were the newer ones that can not be used... 

Glad you are enjoying it!  There is tons there for you to mess around with believe me..

:angry2: I've got the router working great, wireless is good with the downstairs pc but I can't get the adapter I purchased with the router working. I thought it might've been because I was installing it in a server 2003 pc so I wiped out the hardrive and install xp. Still doesnt work, I seem to get the driver installed and everything but then everytime I get a code 10 device cannot start. Anything else I should try before I return it , it was 39.99, for that much I could've gotten two 125Mbps adapters.

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