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Ok, So I was screwin around with my MoBo recently with the BIOS's, to try and get the MAX out of my cpu and mem, but now my internet speeds have fallen HUGELY. On using docsdiag, It says i have 1700+ Ethernet Multiple Collision Errors with an uptime of 30 minutes. Now, could it be because my LAN bios is screwed up and I just need to reflash, or is it with my ISP (or neither) ?


Up:35 db

Sig/Noise: 35.9

Down: My SB 3100 doesnt give it :(

And I'm using Mediacom out of California.



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Do you have an icon in taskbar or go to local conn. there is a repair btn under support that can clear any problems with the local connection.Also try to release and renew your connection,of course an old fashion reset of modem and pc to rule out those things!!! Let us know also what os etc

8) microwave

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) Mort,

I dont think I could explain although I understand the concept,but here is an text.

8) microwave

PS To make it a little harder it could also be hardware problem....

Local-Area Networks Ethernet and Fast Ethernet

Ethernet has been around since the late 1970s and remains the leading network technology for local-area networks (LANs) or networks contained in buildings or on a single site. Ethernet is based on a standard referred to as carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD).

Simply put, an Ethernet workstation can send data packets only when no other packets are traveling on the network-when the network is "quiet." Otherwise, it waits to transmit, as a person might wait for another to speak during a conversation.

If multiple stations sense an opening and start sending at the same time, a "collision" occurs. Each station then waits a random amount of time and tries to send its packet again. After 16 consecutive failed attempts, the original application that sent it must start again. As more people try to use the network, the number of collisions, errors, and subsequent retransmits grows quickly, causing a snowball effect.

Collisions are normal occurrences, but too many can slow the network. When more than 50 percent of the network's total bandwidth is used, collision rates begin to cause congestion. Files take longer to print, applications take longer to open, and users are forced to wait. At 60 percent or higher, the network can slow dramatically or even grind to a halt.

Ethernet's bandwidth or data- carrying capacity (also called throughput) is 10 megabits per second (Mbps). Fast Ethernet works the same way-through collision detection,-but it provides 10 times the bandwidth, at 100 Mbps.

Shared Ethernet is like a single-lane highway with a 10-Mbps speed limit. Shared Fast Ethernet is like a much wider highway with a 100-Mbps speed limit there is more room for cars and they can travel at higher speeds. Switched Ethernet look likes a multilane highway with a speed limit of 10 Mbps in each lane. Switched Fast Ethernet also would be a multilane highway, but with a speed limit of 100 Mbps in each lane. Aint the internet great!!!!

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