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WinSock (Windows Sockets) Do you have a problem and don't know it?

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:) I noticed my computer was acting squirrely and was able to identify my problem by looking around at web pages I visit often.(this is not the first time I have had this problem) Unfortunately its not always that easy to go directly to a problem. I am bringing this up to make other forum members aware of this issue that can be somewhat undetectable until your puter goes CRASH   of course sometimes that easier if something breaks completely, 4me the problem is when I'm not able to make any sense of whats happening. Anyway thats the reason for this post..........And just for a general description of what it is  for anyone that doesn't know >>>>>>>>>>>    WinSock is a .DLL (Dynamic Link Library which are now better protected with newer versions like XP) and runs under Windows 3.x,  Windows 4 Work groups, Windows NT, and Windows 95.(yes its still used) In other words its been around awhile....The WIN SOCK.DLL is  the interface to TCP/IP and, from there, on out to the Internet.  (TCP/IP stands for "Transmission Control Protocol / Internet  Protocol," the "language" that computers on the Internet use to  communicate with each other.) Which most of you know so on with some feedback...........

:cool: Microwave

Very good info MICROWAVE :)

but how do i find out if i have a winsock problem? I remember i used to have it on win 98 blue screen error and i reformat and not even tryed to solve it lol

win 98 fix is reformat and install xp  :haha:

VanBuren :)

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