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:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 120 Kbps about 0.12 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 15 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/05/13 - 10:33pm

Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 68.27 sec

Tested from a 386 kB file and took 26.44512 seconds to complete

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 16.74 % of your hosts average (optonline.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QI4PVUWG0

i used to get much faster speeds(100+ kB/s), but one day it just stoped. Could it be my router? If it is how would i check/fix it? Or is it my settings? Please help.

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tell me something, do you upload alot? cause if you do you could be capped and that looks like it could be the issue but have you called optimum?  i know your upload should be atleast 1000 kb if your not upgraded and 2000 kb if you are so do a speedtest here ( http://www.optonline.net/Registration?referer=http://speedcheck.optonline.net ) and let me know what speeds you get there cause this test should be the fastest for you.

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yes you can be capped and a changed ip doesnt make a difference and if you have optimum you should have an account so call optimum and get your account info and ask them if your capped and they will tell you if you are and tell you what you    can do to get un-capped.  i havent seen speeds like that even on a bad optimum lines but i have seen alot of speeds like that from people who are capped.  what is your download speeds like?  did they see a drop in speeds as well?

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 4150 Kbps about 4.15 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 507 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/05/14 - 8:33am

Bottom Line:: 72X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 2.02 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 5.906 seconds to complete

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 49.79 % of your hosts average (optonline.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0XNH1Z5YG

not bad but they used to be up around 650 kB/s. I will call optimum and find out.

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