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I have sprint DSL 3000/512 (just upgraded from 1500/384)

After the upgrade my internet was going out when there was too many connections (on torrents I would have about 15 connections, which is very minimal).

Also the internet would sometimes pause for a long time when the phone rang (it still sometimes does).

So I read somewhere online that the connection dropping would get fixed if I bridged my modem. I did this a it did 3 things

1) fixed the connection dropping (for the most part)

2) allowed my to port forward (first time this has ever worked)

3) my IP now changes frequently

I used to have an ip that started with 71.*.*.* and it would change maybe once every two months. Now my ip starts with 6*.*.*.* and it changes 2-3 times a day. This cause a lot of inconveniences and I don't know if it is supposed to be doing that (seems like a lot of wasted ips).

71.*.*.* = mn-71-*-*-*.dhcp.hsd.embarqnow.net or mn-71-*-*-*.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net, so it uses dhcp

6*.*.*.* = mn-6*-*-*-*.dyn.sprint-hsd.net or mn-6*-*-*-*.dyn.hsd.embarqnow.net

I aso had one 71.*.*.* that dyn, but it lasted longer (maybe a week or so) that the 6*.*.*.* ips.

Any help on how I would go about get my much-less-dynamic ips back?

I currently have my internet settings setup in my router and use pppoe.

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do you mean you added a router when you say you bridged your modem? if so, then the connection is still dropping but you don't see it anymore because the router immediately reconnects when it happens. that could explain the changing ip. have you talked to tech support about your problems? the hanging connection when the phone rings means that (depending of how you have filters set up un the line) one or more of them is bad, allowing signals intended for the phone to leak into the high freq area of the dsl.

Alright my guess is that since you are pushing more traffic and you just upgraded to the other plan the IP changes to reflect that...

I know this isn't it because the ip only started changing when I switched how the modem/router was setup (about 2 weeks after the upgrade). Maybe the number (starting with 6 instead of 7) is because of the upgrade, but not the constant ip changes.

do you mean you added a router when you say you bridged your modem? if so, then the connection is still dropping but you don't see it anymore because the router immediately reconnects when it happens. that could explain the changing ip. have you talked to tech support about your problems? the hanging connection when the phone rings means that (depending of how you have filters set up un the line) one or more of them is bad, allowing signals intended for the phone to leak into the high freq area of the dsl.

Well I already had a router with a modem, but the modem was not bridged.

When my internet dropped before I reset the modem and it worked, but my ip didn't change. So is this because my modem never actually reconnected, but my router is reconnecting?

I can see the phone problem, but I have 7 phones in my house and at least one of them doesn't have any room for a filter (and at least 3 don't have filters).

I havn't talked to tech yet, I can still try this. Although last time I called I couldn't understand the person and they hung up on me.

Also what is the difference between a bridged modem and one that's not?

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