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I have been with DirecWay for almost 2 years now, and just this Nov. I upgraded to the new 6000 modem. Where I am really having problems is in my speed after 2 p.m. each day. I test my speed often here at this site, and normally in the mornings I can get a speed of at least 900KBs. After 2 p.m. it starts to degrade, and gets so bad by 7 p.m. that it's about useless. Last night I dropped down to 20kbs, now that's bad! I was on the phone with tech support for over 2 hours last night, and the Advanced tech said it is NOT my system, and tried and tried to get me some speed, but the best he could do was  about 160KBs. He's suppose to have higher ups call me within 72 hours, but not sure rather to hold my breath on that or not. I don't remember this many problem with my 4000, the speed seemed fair most of the time, so what's the deal with the 6000? Just so you know, I am running Windows XP, 2700 XP amd processor, 512 ram, 40 gig hard drive, new system. I am on SatMex5,  117 west, 1090.0 MHz, and we do run a home network here on a DLink  switch.

Any help would be welcomed! Hey REV, you come HIGHLY reccomened too! Just thought you'd like that info. lol  Thanks Guys!!!  :D

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Ok Rev, this is what I have. I have already done those boxes with the proxy settings, been watching your posts for awhile. lol Now the routher, well............this is an OLD one, made like 12 years ago, one of the first ones out, so it's not like the newer one. We did buy a new one, but had MAJOR conflicts with it on the network and such, so we are using this older one like a switch. It has to plug into my computer before it will work. Make any sense? Doesn't to me either, but works ok. My signal strength is 84, which is about normal for me, had 89 I think when it was first installed. Yup I agree, should add more memory on here, had 1 gig, but hubby built his puter, so we kinda shared. lol On the hard drive, ya know, I am a NEAT freek with my computer, only have 7 1/2 gigs used, so have lots of free space on it, and I am kinda a techy and defrag at least once a week, and run anti spy ware,CCleaner and all the stuff to keep it clean and fresh. Yes I know about black Vipers site, but haven't tried his tweaks yet, but will deffently go check them out again. One more question for you though, why would I get higher scores today through IE than I can through FireFox? I use FireFox alot to test my speeds, but after they messed with my modem yesterday, those test SLOWED right down. Today my speeds are higher with IE, crazy huh? You might want to go back over and visit direc way suxs Rev, a GREAT reciew on you written there, sending EVERYONE here to talk to you!!!!

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Now REV told you this DLink is OLDER than dirt. lol The only numbers I find on it are DE 805TP. That's it.  Been trying for an hour to get to black vipers site, but all I am getting is a blank page on both browsers. My sigmal strength right now is only around 350, not sure if that's why.  Yes I am running a clean install of XP SP2 on here.  They did kick the modem last night Rev, he messed with it for over an hour. The young man I talked to was GREAT, and honest with me ( now that WAS a refreshing change) He tried EVERYTHING he could think of, and nothing helped. He told me it was NOT my system, but it was direcway totally, and that's why he was kicking it up a step. It was actually nice talking with this tech, he felt really bad and tried so hard to get the speed up for me, but nothing he did helped. He even did a power boast,, but it made no difference at all. He even told me there was NO WAY he would EVER buy their service himself, and he works there. lol  If I don't hear from the HIGHER ups by Fri. they will get another call from me for sure, just want to see if this call happens or not ( evil grin ) . Ohhhhhhhhh the name, well here's the story on that one. We live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, so there for I am a Yooper ( according to the lower Michigan people ) and of course I am a Lady too, hense the name.  :haha: But then the lower Michigan people to us are FUDGIES as they love the U.P. fudge, so we are even. lol  Thanks again Rev, and yuppers, I am a lil crazy here and enjoy a lil laugh, like over at direcwaysuxs. lol Thanks........................................

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:shock:  You simply must considering donating your DLink to The Smithsonian!  I can fully understand why you can't find support or firmware for it.  Even DLink gave up on that model a few weeks after releasing it!  heheh...  (You have shopping luck similar to mine)!  :icon_pale:  Nothing at black viper's place for me either, so he's either having an issue with his Provider, or he reworking his site again.  (He's a perfectionist and never leaves the thing alone)!  But, that's to our advantage ...sorta.

Umm....The young man at DirecWay is indeed correct in that it isn't your system, however it was not a truthful thing you were told when he said he "boosted the power" ...he doesn't have that capacity at his fingertips and ...DirecWay only does that 'globally' (like when it is raining or snowing over NOC they will boost their signals in an effort to punch through the weather ....otherwise, it cannot be done for any one machine, but it's an impressive 'one-liner'!  lol...  geesh....

We are getting into the time of day where your system speed should start picking up ...since most of California businesses are shutting down for the day thus opening up the resources substantially.  Still, it takes NOC about an hour to pass the extra 'on down the line'.

Say, there is a utility called Dr. TCP that I have attached to this document so that you can download and run it.  Please do not touch any part of it except for one thing, and that is where it says "Time Stamping" (Set it so that it says YES).  This is a nice addition to your TCP/IP Stack since you are using Satellite Communications.  The other settings SHOULD say the following when you launch it.  If they don't, please change them so that they do! 

TCP Receive Window  0

Window Scaling  No

Time Stamping  Yes

Selective Acks  Yes

Dial UP (RAS) MTU (blank)

Adapter Settings  (choose the one that applies to you)  like for myself, it's set to "Realtek TRL8139 Family pCI Fast Ethernet NIC

Path MTU Discovery  Yes

Black Hole Detection  No

Max. Duplicate ACKs  2

TTL  64

MTU (lower right) 1500

Click Save and then it will prolly want you to reboot.  This may not incur a miraculous revelation for your machine, but it surely will not hurt it!  If you ever need to change it back, just rerun it, turn the Time Stamping to NO, save and reboot and everything returns to as it was prior to using it!  Perhaps it will give you a slight advantage ....it gave me an additional 60Fbps!  Let's hope you get the same treatment!  lol....

Word of Caution:  When dealing with the DirecWay Level 1 techs, bear in mind that they don't have as much computing skills as most Internet users.  They are reading things for you to do out of a generic manual and the LAST thing you want to do is allow them to screw up all your settings (especially in your IE) by conceding to them and returning everything you have back to a default setting.  It never works but they are paid to run you through "the routine."  Don't do it!  :shock:  You won't benefit from it.  Just say, okay ...I did it, and they'll be happy and you'll still have a computer that runs.  heheh...

I'm sure they've already had you unplug your modem for one minute.  (Actually, for that to truly work it has to be unplugged for about five minutes ...THEN it might "boot up" with a better configuration.  One minute or 10 seconds is worthless, but alot of techs will tell you exactly that because that's why their little bookie says to do see?  (egads).

I'll brainstorm some more with this extra info you've given me and double-check to see if I may have missed something vital, yet if your speeds are starting to come back up the ladder then it's pretty certain the problem is being caused from their end ....and now it's a matter of getting the right Level II tech to get you fixed up.  (Don't be afraid to 'drop' my name if you wish ....many of them know me or know of me, and so they'll know you aren't some idiot with system problems, or even worse, you won't get the "dumb broad" treatment.  (God forbid)!  If all else fails I'll fix you up with a Level III Engineer (but that can take as long as two weeks)!  Those boys are busy.  One of them is my buddy, but I don't ask him to give me any special favors (talking about the NOC in Germantown Maryland USA).  FOR SURE he can fix you up if we exhaust all other possibilities.  Right now I don't want to get into your DW6000 "heart" because it doesn't sound like it's a modem problem in the least.  I got a sinking feeling that the last man inside your modem forgot what he was doing and has left you hanging...

Try this attached utility trick ...can't hurt and will definitely 'smooth out' your connectvity.  I try to make sure I give it to everyone but my memory is as long as a piece of string!  TY once again for telling me the source of whence you found my name ....that's wild!

Fair enough?  Hang in there, feel free to post or email as often as you need, and be safe!


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Thanks Rev!!!! I had already ran that tool you had posted in another spot, and only changed what you said there. This time you gave me step by step details, so there was quite abit I had to set as you told me to. Will let you know if that helps, but for tonight, I am off here to watch some TV ( Oh My ) with my lonesome hubby. lol I appreciate all the help you have given me Rev, many thanks!!! Have a GREAT night and god bless!!

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i /was/ actually kidding. come to think of it, our directv hookup here uses a bird over panama. weird sitting there having your dish going almost due west when you're used to being able to use dishes as a fairly good compass. (in germany anyway, where most widespread use is astra system. iirc they are pretty much due south, and damned low of course, due to latitude. at 35 degrees or so, i think, from northern germany.

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Wow resopalrabotnic!

That's REALLY "on the horizon!"  I am at 38 and thought I was shooting a "flatline", but I wasn't aware anyplace in Germany had to aim so low! (Then again, there isn't much said about Astra on this side of the planet either).

I knew you were pulling my leg with your post, I just wanted to point out to you and other readers that it IS possible for groundstations to work small wonders, such as what you had hinted at.  (But not quite THAT high-tech).  But who knows ...give it a few months and it just might be vogue!

"The Rev"

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well, look at a globe, put your hand above the equator approximating a bird, and take the angle. it's a pita to look for trees and houses when placing a dish, but i guess the scandinavians are far worse... honey, fetch me my varmint rifle, that damn elk is blocking my outdoors network again!

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Uh huh!

Same situation here in Costa Rica except we are too low instead of too high, such as your Long/Lat.  lol....Toooo funny about having to slay the Elk blocking your "feed."  HAHA!!!

I had to put up a tower (80 feet) and set my dish up there because of the dense growth here in Costa Rica.  Would have had to chop down the whole country just to see ANY birds!  heheh...

Denke for the laughs!

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Hi Rev!!! Here's my test results for the test I just did. I think that Dr TCP is helping alot, at least it appears to be so far this morning, May change this afternoon, as usual. But this test came out pretty well, even with some crappy weather conditions here today.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1103 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 135 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 20 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=2OGAL68HM 

Thanks again Rev!!!!!!

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Hi Miss YooperLady!

Heck YEAH!  That's more like it.  I just ran a test for comparison and found I am barely pulling an 799 at the moment.  sigh.... Yes, that ONE setting in TCP is made to work splendidly with satellites only, so you'll always notice a bit of a boost from now on. 

The real test will be around 2PM (as usual) ...but there have been a few changes taking place at NOC in Maryland (and Texas too), so the traffic jam might not be as bad today as it has been for the past two or three days.  (3 days ago I had to call them up just to get online)!  lol....Commercial account my eye!  heheh...

You are most welcome and TY for coming to see me! 


"The Rev"

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Hey Rev!!!! I am really screaming here tonight!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 143 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 17 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 3 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 60.24 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=FUVL5YR00

It's not quite 8 p.m here, and man the speeds SUCK. Still waiting for that HIGHER UP call!

*rolling eyes* I'l l give them 1 more day, then I am gonna call them and tell them they have to fix this SOMEHOW!! I tested about 7:30 and was only pulling down 44 Kbs, that was wonderful! NOT! lol

Just read your post over at DirecWaysuxs to. WTG Rev! So glad we all have someone like you to help us out! Take care and have a GREAT night!

oops did this test 15 minutes after the other. lol

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 76 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 9 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 1 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 113.78 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=01AFL8B53

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Hola! once again Lady Michigan!

You and about 77 others have e-mailed me today with the very same "symptoms" ...and I am unable to find an answer, and NOC (in Maryland) isn't being too much of a help today.  :cry: My speeds are fine (on G4R 1202MHz, and the "globe" I have priviledge to isn't showing that any one satellite is having a problem, so I must assume that Level III needs to reset your modem completely to include reloading the software, or your account needs to be erased then reestablished.  I'm on the horn right now to Level III and there is NOTHING going on that would affect your section of the country at all.  So, if it isn't in your machine (which it appears that it isn't), it simply must be something that has been overlooked or "dropped" by the NOC in Maryland.  I am very sorry for this inconvenience (even though I don't work for DWay in ANY form or fashion!  I try to work AGAINST them if anything!  lol...

Try running this utility ...set it to "extreme" and see if it makes any kind of difference at all.  HINT:  Before you RUN it, click on File and save a backup of your present settings to the directory of your choice.  In this manner you can restore your TCP/IP stack to where it is at the moment if the utility does't perform something "magical" for you!  :)  When you reach the part of the utility  that "pings" sites, do yourself a favor and put in the URL's of places that you visit the most often, that way it will give you the very best figures for your "style" of browsing, and for what your ISP have you configured for (they keep track of your surfing habits then optimise your connection for both your and their convenience ...it's about the only thing that DWay does right!  lol...

Cheers!  ....and good luck!

I could not resist that post at the website you mentioned.  After reading what was said a bit earlier, I was rather peeved so I decided to put him in his place without saying anything against him! But I see that he got his head ripped off anyway!  lol...  big daddy wan't it?  oh well...no matter.  It is a shame that there must be 'negative' people.  :cry:  TY for the 'kudos' though!!!!  I always appreciate such things!

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Yep!  You can set a system restore point, but it is far less hassle to do this:

Click on "FILE" at the top left corner and then clik on "Back up current settings."  A box will pop up and so you just choose your favorite place for sticking things like this!

Now, on the far right you will see a button that says "EXTREME" ....click on it to make it active

Just under where it says Network Adapter Selection make it say Realtek RTL8139 (you know ...your NIC card (it will be listed there anyway)

At the very bottom ...select "OPTIMAL"

Now move to the MaxMTU 'tab' and just click on Start (but click on "Optimal Settings" first)!!! (just under the Start button)

Now go to the next "tab" (Latency (Ping)) and either use the default URLs ...or stick some in there of places that you go to alot ....like www.testmy.net or www.yahoo.com, then click the start button so it can figure out what setting your MTU should be set at.  It will run through all sorts of stuff while it tests (pings) various connections and then it will find the average Latency time for you and list it as the very last number. ie; Average = 686ms

Now, just click on Apply changes and follow the directions.  If it doesn't help you in the least, relaunch the program, click on FILE, then RESTORE BACKED UP SETTING (then find wherever you hid them!) ...and everything will be back to normal.  Sometimes you have to reboot, but on other machines you don't ....you'll find out in just a few!  lol

Good luck!

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Ok Rev: Just got off the phone with Advanced Tech Support again, cause haven't received a call from Level 3. THIS is the story I was given: NOC has ALOT of people dealing with the same problem as I am, and on different Satelites also. So they are trying to fix it all for everyone, and that's why I wasn't called. Wondering if that is true or just a line of bull to shut me up for 3 more days??? He said give them 3 more days, and hopefully they will have it all fixed. So in the meantime, I am running at:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 115 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 14 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 2 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 73.14 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=TQ5NZWDFM

This was at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time here.

I was at this at 7:00 p.m:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 90 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 11 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 2 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 93.09 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=3X81I56FK

I told him this has gone on for a couple months now, but I don't think he was listening. lol And here I was going to upgrade to a small business account, NOT, as long as the speeds are sucking like this! Anyways, just thought I would let you know what 3rd Level told 2nd level tonight. (he had me on one line, and them on another) Guess I am just not gonna see any improvements here soon. Have a great night!!! And thanks for the ear!!!!

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For a welcome change, what you were told is entirely the truth (amazing).  I received a fax two hours ago advising me they had placed a new server online that was not ready to handle the load, it had been misconfigured for the satellites it was going to handle ....and yours is one of them.  What they are doing also is running tracers on all accounts to ensure they are "real" and not hacked.  It was just discovered that a very large organisation of 'bastards' have been tapping into all of the satellites and stealing bits of everyone's individual FAP limits "for free" (and of course for the spread of pornography ...not that I am against men looking at women, because if it were not natural God would not have made women so very beautiful right?)  :)  ...anyway ...seems that porn always attracts the trash of the earth in cases like these and it will soon be quelled.  It will take between 3 days and 3 weeks to get everyone running right again.  (It took them 3 years to figure out where the hell all the bandwidth  was going that wasn't being used by anyone)!  DUH!  lol...

Not my fault, but please allow me to apologise in their behalf AND ...if you don't start getting better speeds in the next 48hrs please drop me a note here, I'll find it as I check here every five minutes 18hrs a day, and call them FOR YOU!  (You see, my cousin works at Level III --he's an engineer -- at the NOC in Germantown Maryland USA) ....so I have a bit of an 'in' which comes in handy from time to time ...but I try very much not to misuse it, and never ever have I used it for improving my personal account ...which appears is always going to suck!  lol.....Commercial Account with top speeds my eye!  $129.99 a month for junk!  ($1300 up-front for the equipment)!  OUCH!  danged India-related companies anyway!  heheh...just kidding.  (But they certainly could be a bit more honest about things)!

Stay in touch and keep me "in the loop" for yur area.  I'm tracking this all the way from Costa Rica to Hawaii, Alaska and over to the Azores Islands in the mid-Atlantic.


The Reverend

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