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Is it possible to have half of download stream to be upload stream, as stated in my subject, which 1024kbps download link and 512kbps upload link?

Personally, I taught is some system error as the CO in TM only support 1024/384 maximum before... even the corporation line is 2048/384...

This line speed is tested nationwide and the modem shows that the CO lets client connect at that speed REGARDLESS the customer subscription... Which causes a lot of benefits to other subscriber that subscribe for 512/256 and 384/128...

I tested it with DLink DSL-500T and AZTECH DSL600E and DSL600EU with different firmware and different places...

Data Rate




SNR Margin




Line Attenuation




I just want to know, is it normal?

I tried to use P2P sharing network program, and the program shows a very good result, as 110kb/s (peak) and 65kbps (peak) which is reach and almost exceed the teorically ADSL line speed with ANY COMPUTER in ANY LOCATION!

:) sorry for the CAPS letter...


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  • 7 months later...

i have bsnl home 3300 dataone connection. uia m getting download speed varying from 490 to 640 kbps. my upload speed is about 190 kbps. i thought it should have atleast 1 mbps speed and enquired with bsnl they checked my connetion and said i am getting 1.3 mbps ,that the problem is mine and not ours.what should i look for help    :2funny:

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