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This is a known fact, so you should just do your speed tests with IE instead of FF.

There are a lot of tweaks that some people say increase the performance. Sorry to be lazy but i didnt look for the link just google firefox speed tweaks or something. I dont know if there are any tweaks that will actually increase ur dl speeds on ff but u can always try it out.......

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There is one firefox tweak that will make browsing be a lot smoother, and in some cases actually faster while using Firefox.

One feature of firefox is when you load a page, there is a 250sec delay while the downloaded info piles up, before it actually appears on the screen. If you are on a modern computer and a broadband connection i highly recommend this tweak. Its nothing to fancy so everyone should go ahead and give it a try.

Heres a description of it i found on the web:

nglayout.initialpaint.delay [integer] (0) - This setting determines how many milliseconds Firefox should way before it starts to display the page contents. This brief delay allows Firefox to load and arrange the various page components as correctly as possible. The default is 250 milliseconds which isn't very long, however I recommend you set this to 0 to provide the earliest possible viewing of web content and improve the responsive feel of Firefox.

The tweak removes the 250 sec delay so there is no wait until the info for the web page actually appears on screen. If someone was on a slow connection like dial-up or below 768Kbps download, some pages will slowly appear piece by peice. But hell, if you are on a 30MB download connection your page will basically almost or even already be done. I'm no expert but after using it on my 3MB/768kbps connection I love it.

You can find out more about the tweak and how to do it <A HREF="http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/tips#oth_rendering">HERE</A>

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Guest kamil234

also..you can make your firefox load pages quicker if you do this:

in adress bar type about:config

go to network.http.pipelining.maxrequest

double click

change value to 30 (it sends 30 requests to download data from page instead of default 4)

go down to network.http.proxy.pipelining

change value to true

that should do it. see if it works any faster, if not than you can change it back to default.

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First of all thanks for the QUICK replies!!!  Modern computer?? LOL Well if you consider a PIII running at 866MHz and 512 megs of ram a modern computer......LOL I do run a minimum of extentions in FF, image zoom, ad block plus, download status bar and IE view.

    I plan to update the mobo, processor and ram shortly but can't see where it's going to make a huge difference on my page loading. I agree that the pluses of FireFox far out weight the system EMBEDDED down sides of IE. I have not had a single issue with the typical browser hijackings and such that I consider plague IE. Again thanks for your help, and I'll give the tweaks a try. What an awesome website you have and I have to say that the download speed test are the most accurate on the internet by FAR!!!

See ya,


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This was after the afore mentioned tweak

::::::::::.. Download Stats ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 4889 Kbps about 4.89 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 597 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/07/16 - 6:29am

Bottom Line:: 85X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.72 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 10.025 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 2.09 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QPUJYME36

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/

This is with IE

::::::::::.. Download Stats ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 5035 Kbps about 5.04 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 615 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/07/16 - 6:33am

Bottom Line:: 88X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.67 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 9.734 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 5.14 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-J3US6ODH4

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

And this is the best I have ever seen.

::::::::::.. Download Stats ..::::::::::

Connection is:: 6118 Kbps about 6.12 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 747 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/05/24 - 4:39pm

Bottom Line:: 107X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.37 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 4.006 seconds to complete

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060426 Firefox/

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 32.91 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DRJGESPN8

Dam if I can only remember what Van Buren settings I had used I would go back to them. Crap should have left well enough alone!!!    :cry:  I know it's not bad but I have seen it do better. I have a sneaky suspiscion the computer geek in my nieghborhood is running a server. I'll confront the wanna be today to see if thats what he is doing

Thanks again for the help!


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As for kamil234-san's (yeah i've read some of naruto too) firefox tweaks... here are my results...

before the tweak:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 6141 Kbps about 6.14 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 750 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/07/18 - 4:28pm

Bottom Line:: 107X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.37 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 7.982 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 16.35 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WM0P9K1CD

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/ [!]

After the Tweak:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 5555 Kbps about 5.56 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 678 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 2)

Test Time:: 2006/07/18 - 4:32pm

Bottom Line:: 97X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.51 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 8.823 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 5.25 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YC761ZPXK

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/ [!]

I dunno if it works for you this is just me

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