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Hey everyone!

I've received quite a few e-mails asking if I had a manual on the DW6000.  Yes, I do, but there really isn't enough information in it for the majority of questions that have been set before me, yet at least it does give some 'bare bones" information so I am posting this for those that cannot access it.

A bit later, I will have completed my own manual on some of the information related on what to do when you access the 'heart' of the modem for various types of testing ...like when you type in your browser then hit your Enter key.  Please feel free to poke around in here but PLEASE don't make any changes as you could easily "destroy" the settings/configuration on your modem ...and then you'll end up waiting for NOC (Maryland) to reconfigure your modem. lol.... (God forbid)!

Anyway, for what little it is worth, this is DWay's Official Manual.

"The Reverend"  :)

*If you don't have Adobe Acrobat, which you'll need to open this type of file (a .pdf file), please visit www.adobe.com and download their latest Acrobat Reader!  (Lots of other nice programmes there too)!  Hint:  Don't allow the setup software to install anything other than their "free reader."  ;)

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