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Hello bigdaddy51 and welcome to the forum. I have received lots of help from this forum. I am sure you will also. I suggest that you describe your issue so that the people in the know can assist you.  I do not know what kind of help you need but here is a speed test I had earlier today. All credit goes to the reverend for helping me out.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1159 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)

Download Speed is:: 141 KB/s

Tested From::

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Not really a big problem. The weathers been bad, and the sats a bit slow .The best strength I can get is around 75. In good weather , I  usually get  1 meg and can upload a 1mb file in 6 seconds. The main reason I found this forum ,was a referral from Direcway tech. I have not been able to use the website speed test for quite some time, and today, I decided a call to them way in order. Glad I called now. The speed test I used to use ,decided to start charging for more than 3 tests a month.Since I pay Direcway $65.29 a month, I decided it was time to get some tech support for my money.All in all, I'm pretty happy with the sat most of the time. BD51 

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Hey there Big Daddy51!!!

Why yes, welcome to TestMy.net and do know we are pleased to have you aboard!  I am a bit unsure of what you are seeking (specifically), so if you would supply me with a speed test using the highest numbered test (2992) - which is the most accurate - then give the info as a simple "cut and paste" into this forum along with your text, which satellite you are using and which frequency, what browser you use (primary), we can take it from there and get you running as fast as possible with (hopefully) the least amount of dropouts from DWay and their "game playing."  We are fighting system-wide changes (to our benefit) this weekend, but still I will assist you in getting everything set up so that you have the fastest possible speed (most of the time).  :) 

I'll also need to know if you are using a DW4000, 4020, or 6000 series!

Thanks!  Feel free to use my e-mail if you don't hear back from me within 10 minutes from posting.  I get a bit behind but multi-task so that I can help (at least) four at the same time!  argh!  lol...


The Reverend

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Nah, I won't kill ya, just main you up a bit.  ;) Ok I have a DW4000 running software. the sat is at 99 degrees west @1230mhz. I use IE6. I have already implemented a couple of your tips with good results. Connection this AM was 1963Kbps 240 KB/s upload stunk less than dial up, but I use MS firewall that may be the problem. Clear day here today. also 7 degrees :cry:BD51

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Hmm......I hope you have better luck with that puppy than I.  I used it with no problems until I hit reg section ...dang thing deleted half of everything in there.  So I reloaded froma BU, uninstalled and sent it back for a refund.  dunno what happened nor do I care.

The Rev

BTW:  you really should consider using the latest software ....I keep getting reports that it is faster.  Worked great for me!

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I think I put the number in wrong. My software is the latest version, the one that doesn't even need a phone line to commission the sat. is the software number. You can get hurt real bad ,if you don't read the users sections before using System Mech 5 but I love it. BD51

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Hello, I am new to the board too! I am in cancun trying to make a few of these 4000s work as I have been on one for 3 yearss now and have to say I love it. My partner in the States pays for it ( ha ha )

I submitted a few question about some problems I am having on some installs that I hope ya'll can help me with

DW 4000, .74, XPpro/ 6 clients


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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2219 Kbps about 2.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 271 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 40 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.78 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=185GPTUAD

not bad in the middle of a blizzard! BD51

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