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hi all...also a newbie here...not a noob in certain computing aspects but in this i am...  here goes...

i have a spare computer...dell inspiron 8200 lap.....  been a good comp...had the wiring to the lcd screen mess up and it needs repairing...now b4 you say "go call dell up you idiot" lol......Ive had a falling out with dell...(long story) so i wont deal w/ them and theres no warranty....i haven't had time to get in touch with local vendors to price around the parts and labor...also the dual cooling fans are out...but i have the parts for that...

so here i am....do any of you know or are a repairman and have a general idea of what ill have to pay for the repair?

thanks for hearing me out...:D

BTW...gr8 site to do tests ans stuff....;)

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hmm.. that is a little problem.. I know that dell outsources all of their on site tech support staff to a company in Texas..  The problem is that then they higher smaller tech firms to do their work..  I would call around and see if you can find anyone who is certified by dell to do repairs.  As a last resort you could use the geek squad.. but you are going to pay though the nose.

BTW Welcome to the forum!


i have been calling around....although i havent been asking if theyre dell certified....i had considered geek squad...but like said...i dont feel like getting a second mortgage...lol

ill keep looking i know of one guy who does it...but i just dont feel like driving  100 miles to get it fixed..lol

cest la vie..:P 

thanx swimmer...and ty for the welcome...


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