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I have a HN7000s modem with the Pro Plus plan. My speeds, however, never get any higher than the speeds on the pro plan. (1mb down and 200kb up). I was just wondering if anyone has gotten the 1.5 mb down speed yet that hughes has been advertising. If you are getting that speed, please let me know what satellite you are on and also what transponder. Thanks. Below is my stellite information:


Transmit Path: Satellite

Outroute: Primary

Longitude: 127 West

Receive Frequency: 1110 MHz

Receive Symbol Rate: 30 Msps

Receive Polarization: Vertical

Transmit Polarization: Horizontal

22KHz Tone: Off

Router Address:

Transmit Radio Info

Transmit Radio Wattage: 2 Watt

Software Configuration

NAT: Enabled

DHCP: Enabled on Lan1

Firewall: Disabled (from NOC)

Turbo Page: Enabled

Please note: I have a 2 watt BUC but I only have a .74m dish, I upgraded the BUC last month.

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Until Hughes gets DVB-S2 working on all of the sats, I don't expect anyone on a consumer plan to get the advertised UP TO 1.5Mbps.  So far I have seen nobody actually get that speed on the proplus plan.  That's the main reason I won't upgrade until they get their stuff together.

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I had the same issues with time of day speed performance after upgrading to the DW7000...was fixed after a transponder and a rate code change. All was done by "deep support"  if I remember correctly. This level of support was reached after a BBB claim, FCC report filed and a phone call to Vice president of  Hughes. This took several hours of my time, but was well worth it in the end. Its too bad Hughes is well known for releases of products that are not just not ready for release to the public. I also feel sure the greed factor plays a role as well in the upgrade chaos.  :icon_thumright:

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