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It has just been confirmed that at least one transponder is having problems on the sat known as G3C, and 1420 seems to be the hardest hit.  So if there is anyone reading who is using 1420 who is NOT having problems would you please let me know.  This could all be some big lie from DWay while they make money cheating people out of bandwidth while putting the choke on certain frequencies. And if they are doing that, I have an FCC Report to file. 


The Reverend

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Hey there Brian and welcome to our little corner of cyberspace, Testmy.Net!!

TY for supplying that info.  Looks like it is confirmed, now the only thing left is to find out why!  I'll post if I can get a straight answer out of someone, or intercept their traffic.

Thanks again and make yourself to home.....this place changes by the minute!


The Reverend ;)

I'm on G3C 1420 also.  Since the outage it has been slow and sporadic.  While my speeds have been in the 200-800 range up mail (IE) would time out until late yesterday. I'ts OK now.  Today, there is a 10-45 second wait until a page loads.  Speed slows down starting mid-day, is best early AM (I'm MST zone).

I apreciate your work and updates on what's going on with DW.


I'm in the same boat as lakecity10... if you have seen my test results in some of the other posts today, you'll get an idea of  what I've been dealing with here. Here's a current test for about 9:45 pm.  I'm not going to wait thru the big one again.  :-P

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 235 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 748 KB)

Download Speed is:: 29 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 4 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 35.31 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=20IOKVNUS

Still pretty crappy, even now...

I am running "flat out" ....so what you are getting is confined to that bird if not that frequency.  I can't pull any info on it yet because nothing has been posted except to say they have "noticed" there may be a problem.  (Really?  No Shit)?

"The Rev"

I just called Dway to complain.  They say there is no problem with G3C 1420, and insisted that I disconnect my switch (which is a dumb switch)_ before they could work on the problem further.  I explained that the switch works fine; file xfers to the other 2 PC don't have problems.  The switch has no forewall software.

They refused to send me to level 2 support, since I wouldn't (really practically can't tonight) bypass the switch.

I'll bypass to tomorrow evening, and try again.

Interesting... Something just changed after I got off the phone with Dway.

My  last test to testmy when I was on the phone with them was 222Kbps.  Now it's 563kps, just tested again, 800kbs, and a final test 654kps.

Strange that there is no problem, but my speed just jumped!

More interesting info.

The above speed tests were done using TurboMozilla.  I asked Dway support wich browser to use, he said either.

I just tested with IE, and am getting downloads of 1200kps..

As a sanity check, I just downloaded a 1.8M file using command line FTP.  The speed for that download was 70kps.

Well whatever they did helped me too... I was at 29 KiBps  a little earlier and look now!

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 671 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 748 KB)

Download Speed is:: 82 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 12 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 12.49 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=MKYN7BJFP

Still won't win any races, but better than it was.  ;)

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