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Diffrent questions........

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Guest helloimtim

My xp died today. I tried everything to keep from doing a reinstall. Spyware programs,Trojan Scanners,Virus tests,Both from my pc and the net. No luck. First question I have is this. I would like to find a website that I can download different HUGE files from. Don't care what they are. I will never complete the download. I would prefer zip no pictures,. This is gonna sound stupid. With my dsl And xp I can tell if its running fine by downloading HUGE files. Seems like mine works (for the lack of a better word) my connection acts like its throttled. It may take some time before it gets up to full blast ?? Speed test help but really don't give me and idea of how my system is really doing. Yes size matters the bigger the better (all the sudden I feel *** for saying that ) NOOOOOOO I have nothing against *** people. I have an uncle who is. Love that guy to death. Just not my cup of tea. Second question is do I need another program to run while browsing. I'm using outpost,avast,. Have active x disabled. Running maxthon. Wonder if my xp crash was due to something getting by them? I hate the tea thing for spybot. Drives me crazy popping up all the time. Maybe I don't have it configured right? Outpost 2.5 Avast 4.5. With all the tests I ran I can not imagine it getting past all of them. 2 online tests for virus and trojans. 2 or 3 from desktop. Spybot ran and Microsoft's new one and ad ware as well. Sorry this is so wordy. Just trying to give all the info I can to get the best results. Your thoughts and opinions would be apreciated.....thank you........

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Lots of info there.  Please let me say that I am running several thousands of dollars worth of corporate programmes like "tea timer" - Process Guard - and others and they are ALWAYS popping up to warn of potential hazards.  If you have allowed something into your system despite the warning, you may be facing a reload (but I doubt you need to reformat unless you really have a 'royal mess'.

Take yourself to www.trendmicro.com and do a "housecall'" scan then go to www.pcpitstop.com and let THEM do their scan too.  The 2nd one will even tell you what is wrong and how to fix it.

If all else fails just reload your O/S right over the top of your existing (if that is possible for you) ...yet it will not cure a Registry error!!!!  I am unsure of exactly what you are asking or saying, so I will "study" your post and then answer back if I can untangle it!  LOL  (just teasing of course).


The Reverend

My first inclination is to say RELOAD the puppy right over the top of everything OR ....uninstall everything that you can, run a "barebones" scan at trendmicro.com, then if it still finds nothing (or if the offloading clears you up), go ahead and reload one at a time.  I am assuming you are fully defragged yes?  Also, there are Registry defraggers ...free ones.  You may need nothing more than that.  I would try everything before a reload because XP has a habit of repairing itself if you give it a few days to think about things.

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Cool!  You can pull large downloads from the big files / programmes like from ALIAS (Maya 6 Unlimited) or many of the larger programmes from www.adobe.com .....I know of none that are in the gig ranges for long-runs, but with my kind of account (FAP restrained) I dont wanna!!!!  LOL

The Reverend

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