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I'm having trouble understanding the correct RWIN value for my connection. DSL Reports (I know, your competitor) tells me my RWIN should be no higher than 37752, but after reading some posts here, I see much, much higher ones. What's the best for me? Earthlink DSL 1500/128 advertised........Testing at 1245/108. Did the TCP/IP analyzer, Cablenut thing and it tells me like 90205!! What's the right one? Help anyone.......

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Welcome to the forum :)

Yeah that tweek teter at DSL Reports is not good to go by for your RWIN. Try this calculator, it explains what the values mean just by clicking help. If you do this you should find your optimal RWIN. My RWIN is set at 64,240 this value seems to work well for a lot of people, give it a try.

Link to calculator:


Hope this helps :)


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