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I would have put this in the comcast spacific forum but i saw it was inactive for a bit, sorry. anyway, im thinking about getting comcasts 6Mbit plan, and i currently have their cable tv service. i found an offer online that gives you a self install kit, and a moterola modem with rebates that make the modem free. however, i dont have any coax cable running to the 2nd floor of my house. does anyone know if comcast would charge to simply run some cable upstairs and let me set up the rest. i dont wanna pay for the whole professional installation thing. also, has anyone taken advantage of the comcastoffers.com deal with modem rebates? ive heard some good and some bad things about it.

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alright thanks man. i guess it is kinda bull that itll cost to litterally run cable 8 to 10 feet straight up to the computer but whatever. i would just hate to spend the full 50 for professional install just for that.

anyway though have you heard of the comcastoffers.com thing? the free modem deal sounds good but i just wanna make sure its like a surfboard or something. also does that mean i wont have to lease? thanks again

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Might I suggest that you buy a Wireless Router and do your install on the first floor.

You'd also need a wireless adapter for each PC you have.

You can get a eHome(DLink) Wireless G adapter for as low as $1.99 After Rebate (sale on and off) at CompUSA, or go all out and get Linksys for the quality.

I'm on a single floor and my Dell laptop gets up to 16M from my Linksys G with SpeedBooster Router.

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Might I suggest that you buy a Wireless Router and doing your install on the first floor.

You'd also need a wireless adapter for each PC you have.

You can get a eHome(DLink) Wireless G adapter for as low as $1.99 After Rebate at CompUSA, or go all out and get Linksys for the quality.

yeha, that would be best bet

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that is a good idea lol considering i already have a wireless router. its a dlink DI624. its decent but an older model by now. the main reason i chose it was because at the time it was cheap with rebates and it it is compatible with xbox live which i need.

so i guess i should just find a good wireless adapter and move my router and modem downstairs. i was just skeptical because of the range with my whole setup. i want to be sure i will be getting a singnal strength strong enough to not hold back the connection.

i throught about this option before, but heres a weird situation that i encountered before. my internet now with dsl is 1.5Mbit and i get a little over that with tweaking with the modem connected to the router and the router to the computer by ethernet. funny thing is a friend with a laptop came over and when the wireless singnal strength read very good with 54Mbps we could only manage a download speed of 60KB/sec so whats that like .5Mbps? weird

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I would have put this in the Comcast spacific forum but i saw it was inactive for a bit, sorry. anyway, im thinking about getting Comcasts 6Mbit plan, and i currently have their cable tv service. i found an offer online that gives you a self install kit, and a moterola modem with rebates that make the modem free. however, i dont have any coax cable running to the 2nd floor of my house. does anyone know if Comcast would charge to simply run some cable upstairs and let me set up the rest. i dont wanna pay for the whole professional installation thing. also, has anyone taken advantage of the Comcastoffers.com deal with modem rebates? ive heard some good and some bad things about it.

Comcast will charge you,run the cable your self. You can get cable all over the place.I went  with the self install kit when I first got Comcast ,it worked out fine. It came with a motorola surf board modem,A two way splitter and some cable.

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Do you know if your friend's laptop was optimized with TCP Optimizer?

Did it have at least 1GB of RAM?

Was it a built-in Wireless G card or was it an old Wireless B card?

Any of those and the other tips (VirusScan, SpyScan, Defragged HD, etc..) on this forum can slow down the speed.

Oh and I neglected to mention I have the Linksys HGA7T High Gain Antenna that I added onto my router which seemed to get rid of my dead spots. (and there are metal studs behind my walls)

I originally tried the Linksys Booster that worked great with my Wireless-B router, but it made it worse for G...  Luckily I was able to sell that for more than I paid for it on eBay.

I want to go Wireless N, but all the reviews on Draft N says the performance is worse than G, so hold off at least another year until the standard is ratified.

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The eHome adapter is SKU: 341885 at CompUSA.com

This week it is $25 after rebate.

But... in past weeks it has been 99 cents after rebate, $1.99 after rebate, and also $4.99 after rebate.  So keep an eye on it.

It is a rebadged D-Link product.

I picked one of the eHome routers and a USB adapter as a spare when they were $1.99 last month.  Still in the box (minus UPC)  :smile2:

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that is a good idea lol considering i already have a wireless router. its a dlink DI624. its decent but an older model by now. the main reason i chose it was because at the time it was cheap with rebates and it it is compatible with xbox live which i need.

so i guess i should just find a good wireless adapter and move my router and modem downstairs. i was just skeptical because of the range with my whole setup. i want to be sure i will be getting a singnal strength strong enough to not hold back the connection.

i throught about this option before, but heres a weird situation that i encountered before. my internet now with dsl is 1.5Mbit and i get a little over that with tweaking with the modem connected to the router and the router to the computer by ethernet. funny thing is a friend with a laptop came over and when the wireless singnal strength read very good with 54Mbps we could only manage a download speed of 60kB/sec so whats that like .5Mbps? weird

This is most probably because although he was gettin better signal, his tcp/ip wasnt as tweaked as yours.

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New Laptop with top of the line components is great, but...

WinXP by default is configured for dial-up speeds, not broadband.

My niece is up on the Optimum cable network with 15/30 Mbps.

She was complaining of 1-2 Mbps download speeds.

Went to visit, ran TCP Optimizer and lo and behold,

it was now running close to the advertised broadband speeds...

I hope Vista is better by default, haven't installed it just yet.

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alright then, i guess ill try that. anyhow i took a psp (which usually has poor wireless reception) and placed it near the spot where the router would be moved to. with the router in its current location where a wireless adapter will be, and a psp where the router will go, the psp is getting anywhere between 40-60% signal. i assume this would be enough to get the full usage out of the internet bandwidth after proper tweaks on any wireless clients?

thanks again for everyones help. im not new to computers, but i am with tweaking internet connections ever since my internet has been slow. anyway its been a big help.

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yes it only has B but even at 100% next to the router a mobile speed test only yeilds about 20KB/s so its probably because the psp has crappy specs and is not really meant to browse. also i am on the latest firmware that is still compatible with xbox live. i would try the latest if i could find firmware that i could revert back to if live stopped working.

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