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I am having trouble getting microsoft updates on 1 of my accounts. I have a admin. account that is mostly used only for this purpose. I have my account which I sometimes give admin. rights. When I try to get updates through my account I get the error show on my screenshot. I do have zonealarm pro and I have added microsoft ip address range to the trusted zone.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to correct this short of just using the admin. account o get all updates.

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I can go to the site. It is just a problem with getting the updates. It can not get far enough for me to see if I need a update. The other account as I say can access this site and get updates just fine. I was just trying to find out why this account on the same computer can not get updates. All suggestions are appreciated.

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:) OK same computer different account correct? And both accounts are admins? have you created a new account to see if its able?? And if its the same computer why are you updating from both accounts?? Sorry I think Im missing something here, If you have the same problem that I once had it was because the account was corrupt somehow, I was told by a tech that something was strange with  ASP account.and I "fixed" it by making a new account with admin priv and moving all my files to the new account....OK let me know.... :)

8) Microwave

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Thanks for the reply microwave. As you have stated the other account can get updates just fine. There really is no reason why I can not use that account to get updates while I am online instead of going to the other account to check for them or wait for them to appear.

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:) Well the problem could be in the Reg but I dont think so and thats just a guess because another account can function correctly. I think something is screwy with that account or the ASP issue another area that seems to always be overlooked is Winsock it can cause all kinds of strange things to happen.there are a couple of freeware Pgms that can fix a Winsock issue but it defaults the Reg as far as TCP/IP settings are concerned, I suppose if you exported the Reg it could be restored ....only it may just import the problem right back.... The easiest "fix" is new account and move any files to it.
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Thanks for all your suggestions Helloimtim and microwave. Since I do have a account that can get updates without any problem I think I will leave well enough alone. My system seems to be running pretty will now. I did check my security settings. All of them were already set to default. There is no yellow bar. I did include a screenshot in my original post. I do not know if there is anything in there that may assist us in resolving this any further. If not I will just get my updates from the other account. If there is anything else I could check let me know. I am going to google for a winsock repair.

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I have done some more test today. I have found out that I can get updates through my account with ZONEALARM PRO turned off. Now the question becomes how to set up zonealarm pro to allow me to access this site. I thought I had already given permission for this to happen. Please see my screenshot. Thanks.

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I have done some more test today. I have found out that I can get updates through my account with ZONEALARM PRO turned off. Now the question becomes how to set up zonealarm pro to allow me to access this site. I thought I had already given permission for this to happen. Please see my screenshot. Thanks.

It might be some script blocking feature in ZA, check that out

good luck

VanBuren :)

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I apparently do not know where to look in zonealarm. Can someone give me more of step-by-step instructions, please. It does not appear that anything is wrong with my registry since I can get to the site and successfully check for updates with zonealarm disabled. Would you agree, Microwave and VanBuren?

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Problem solved! Thanks for the link VanBuren. I had to clear all files in the Internet Log file located at C:windowsinternet logs. That forces all programs to ask for access again. It is working just fine now.


Cool and that was the logs in zone alarm correct???  :)

8) Microwave

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