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Ipod Question.

Guest denis yogore

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Guest denis yogore

Hi again,

How do I maintain my Ipod's contents when I install a new version of the Itunes Software and also when I have had to re-install my operating system?  Is there a way for my present files to be in my Ipod without them being deleted when I synchronize my Ipod?

Thanks and hope to hear from you guy's soon.

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The latest version of itunes comes bundled with "apple software update"....which easily updates all apple products. My iPod does not loose the songs when performing the updates.

--the songs would be lost if your set up to auto sync when plugging in the iPod and the current songs (already on iPod) have been removed or no longer on your computer. Never seen a software update remove any of my songs.

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Thanks for the tip Swimmer, what version of Winamp supports that feature for updating or loading more songs into the Ipod without deleting the previous contents and file structure? 

Thanks again.

Any above 5.2 has support natively..  So you can just download winamp, plug in your iPod and it should recognize it..  It isnt as easy as iTunes.. but after you get use to it.. it is really easy and you can trade music and what not with users who dont have iTunes installed.

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i agree fikester

never messed up mine

Not sure what the fuss is about the itunes?.....if I were that anti something, sure would never purchase that brand product. Just like windows.....so many will run out to buy Vista then bad mouth Microsoft and nothing with windows is any good etc.. ? A large number of those anti itunes, I have reason to believe are just auto anti itunes and never even used it. The songs can be imported into itunes individually or by the folder....as well as shared with media player from the itunes folder. Why worry about buying the biggest fastest PC if you dont dare install a program or two on it. Might as well use an old 5GB hard drive?

Solution #1: Make it easy on yourself, don't buy an iPod

Solution #2: Macs are readily available for sale, buy one.

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