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Well I have been using 3G for a couple weeks. EVDO isn't available but, 3G is still better than dial up, especially on the download side.

:::.. test my.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 55930 Kbps about 55.93 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 6827 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 13 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 2 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/02/19 - 12:14pm

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  • 11 months later...

I have had 1XRTT connection for almost a year.

EVDO coming soon to my area, this summer at the latest.

I can download files at 17Kbs. Which is about 5x's faster than dial up.

pings range from 300ms to 700ms.

I have since bought a trucker antenna, which did wonders for stabilizing my connection.

Probably overpaying for what I have but, was easy to network my house through the Linksys WRT54G#G-ST with a Merlin s720 data card plugged into it.

Also portability is nice.

Thinking of buying an amp. I have researched them and found 2 Wilsons, a Cyfree and Maximumsignal. It appears the higher end Wilson is the best one.  Item # 801306 receives and transmits at a Freq of only 1850-1990 Mhz which is the only freq needed for EVDO.

The Soho amp #801245 (which is $200 cheaper than the #801306) improves signal 50 db

10 db less than the former which improves it by 60db.

Anyone else have amp info?

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First of all if you don't have EVDO any amp won't give it to you. I really would wait til EVDO became available and testing it out before going to any amp. Amplification would be needed if your on the signal fringe or need excessive cable length to a external antenna.

Have you found what your actual signal is, you would need t use a laptop for this since you cannot access the modem through the router. When I checked I had about a -70 with the Wilson Trucker and my connection has been great.

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Grandpa's always have good advice.  :angel:

I agree 100%. I'm more than happy with the connection I'm getting with the trucker antenna. Instead of 5x's faster than dial up sometimes, its all the time.

1XRTT, aka, sprint vision service is suppose to have downloads of 50-70K depending on traffic. Suppose to be comparable to DSL.

I think the Vision service would be a good seller if i were only $30 a month, $60 is to high, but, if your burned out on dial up, as I am, willing to pay it for now.

I figured, an amp, will max me out on the 1XRTT vision service and if EVDO ever gets here, well ya know.  More or less was just going to see if anyone had any tid bits on amps. Like Grandpa.

I think I'll start a new thread and call it amps since this is off topic.

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