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Wuz up,

I built a SQL database with Godaddy,and also a end user interface using visual basic for new users to enter their name an info and it goes str88 to the Sql Database.......I created a string for it to be linked,I'm however getting a runtime error.Could anyone take a look at the code and also the web.config to see what could be the problem..

Thank you

The web.config file

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->



        <customErrors mode="Off"/>



<add key="conString" value="Server=whsql-v09;UID=etech;PWD=server;Database=DB_136130">



The end-user interface I built in VB:

<%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" Debug="true" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

<script runat="server">

    dim username as string

    dim password as string

    Dim dr As SqlDataReader

    Dim dr1 As SqlDataReader

    dim dbcon as new sqlconnection("Data Source=whsql-v09;Initial Catalog=DB_136130;User Id=etech;Password=server;")

    dim dt as new DataTable

    dim dr2 as DataRow

    dim CallTotal as double


    Sub btnLogin_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

    dim cmd as new SqlCommand

          dim param as sqlparameter

          username = txtusername.Text

          password = txtpassword.Text



          cmd.CommandText = "spSelectWebMember"

          cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

          cmd.connection = dbcon



          param = New SqlParameter

            param.ParameterName = "@username"

            param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar

            param.Value = username




    param = new SqlParameter

          param.ParameterName = "@password"

            param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar

            param.size = 50

            param.Value = password




          dr = cmd.executereader()




            if dr.read() then

            if username = dr.item("username") and password= dr.item("password1") then

              Session("fname") = dr.item("firstname")

              Session("lname") = dr.item("lastname")

              Session("email") = dr.item("email")

              Session("lphone") = dr.item("username")

              Session("time") = dr.item("timezone")

              Session("cust") = dr.item("custID")

              Session("countryt") = dr.item("country1")

              Session("user") = dr.item("username")

              Session("statea") = dr.item("state")

              Session("pass") = dr.item("password1")

            'create session variables



    dim temp as string

    temp = Session("cust")






    end if

            end if







    End Sub

    sub load2(key as string)

    dim cmd1 as new SqlCommand


          ' username = txtusername.Text

          'password = txtpassword.Text

          dim sql1 as string

          sql1 = "select * from customerActivation where custId='"+key+"'"


          cmd1.CommandText = sql1

          cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text

          cmd1.connection = dbcon



          dr1 = cmd1.executereader()


          if dr1.read() then



          Session("jnum")= dr1.item("jamaicaNumbers")

          Session("pin") = dr1.item("pinNumber")

          Session("madd") = dr1.item("macAddress")

          Session("snum") = dr1.item("serialNumber")




            end if


    end sub


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well actually I will call them and ask,cuz it worked on another servr,but now I change the string to Goddy's server it aint working.. :roll: :roll:

they don't allow external DB connections so if your trying to connect from outside there network then its not going to work.

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