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hey lewis my grafix card is AGP will it work with that board?

No that board has PCI Express.

this is probably the best board there http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813123257

If you can afford it, i would recommend upgrading to a core 2

I agree i would recommend upgrading to a Core 2 Duo. You wont be dissapointed

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Most likely you are going to need motherboard, memory, and processor.. Since 754 didn't support DDR2.. The memory is not the fastest that the board supports..  But it will get you started..

CORSAIR ValueSelect 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 533 (PC2 4200) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model VS2GBKIT533D2 - Retail

Item #: N82E16820145527


ECS 945G-M3 (V3.0) LGA 775 Intel 945G Micro ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail

Item #: N82E16813135032

$15.00 Mail-in Rebate


Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 Conroe 1.86GHz LGA 775 Processor Model BX80557E6300 - Retail

Item #: N82E16819115005


All of this for about $390.. As long as you have a decent GPU you should be set..

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What is better sempron or the athlon? I can get a mobo and processer for 108.00 bucks i have a AMD athlon 64 3000+ which one should i put in?

this is the combo  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813135192


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Athlon is AMD's flag ship.. Kinda like Pentium is Intels..  The only thing that I would caution against as far as what you are trying to do here.. there is going to be a point that you will not be able to upgrade on the 754 platform...  As it stands right now the 939 is in the process of being phased out, leaving the 754 and the AM2.. The original idea, or from what I have read, was that all new processors would be developed for the AM2.. Leaving the 754 for the Sempron and other budget CPUs..

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Athlon is AMD's flag ship.. Kinda like Pentium is Intels..   The only thing that I would caution against as far as what you are trying to do here.. there is going to be a point that you will not be able to upgrade on the 754 platform...  As it stands right now the 939 is in the process of being phased out, leaving the 754 and the AM2.. The original idea, or from what I have read, was that all new processors would be developed for the AM2.. Leaving the 754 for the Sempron and other budget CPUs..

hopefully in the near future i will be able to build a nice machine but for now this is all i can afford..im gonna wait for some prices to come down..im just dying to play my games lol..im gonna give the 754 to my ole lady :P thanks for all the info swimmer.. :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

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