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Hi guys Iwas searching the net and found this great site. Anyway I was looking for a site that shows my speed HERE.

Sooooooooooooooo I ran the test to find this pathetic score !?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?

Its a DSL line in Australia , optusnet. Im going to ring them so I'll keep the posts comming



P.S  I can play BF2 online with no worries .... [confused]

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I thought of that however my connection has felt Sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow as to what it used to be.

I just rinstalled performance booster and got this result ....


Doubled the speed but still CRAZY SLOW. If it is because im testing on an OS server where can I go to test on a closer one ???

Thank you

Here is another one. I rang my ISP and they said I should be looking for a DL of about 50 KB/s

[`[*Test Results*]`]


Test run on [*27/03/2007*] @ [*05:58 PM*]

Mirror: [*OptusNet*]

Data: [*3 MB*]

Test Time: [*57.7 secs*]

Your line speed is [*425 kbps*] (0.42 Mbps).

Your download speed is [*53 KB/s*] (0.05 MB/s). )]

So I now get 53. Thats way better. I need to go to the next plan up for faster speeds,,

Hi guys Iwas searching the net and found this great site. Anyway I was looking for a site that shows my speed HERE.

Sooooooooooooooo I ran the test to find this pathetic score !?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?

Its a DSL line in Australia , optusnet. Im going to ring them so I'll keep the posts comming


and here is a speed check from this OS server to compare to the first one...



This one with connection booster

hi ash570

take it is easy one the double triple quadruple posting

if u going to make so many post one followed by the other you may as well make one big post

regarding your connection speed

first what is your advertised speed, what does your company say you should have ?

in some of ur speed test to testmy.net u got up to 400kb/s which is 0.4Mbps

speedtest.net 0.4Mbps speed test same as the speed test from your isp

i assume you probably have a 512Kb connection 0.5Mb

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